18th Amendment, Colombo, Features, Human Rights, Identity, IDPs and Refugees, Jaffna, Kandy, Media and Communications, Moving Images, Peace and Conflict, Politics and Governance, Post-War, Puttalam, Reconciliation, Trincomalee, UN Panel Report, Vavuniya, War Crimes

Resource book for historians, researchers and media: A year of tweeting from Groundviews

Visualisation of our Twitter followers. See larger version here. We used the web service Tweet Book to capture all our tweets over the past year in a single PDF. We’ve tweeted thousands of…

Colombo, Features, Human Security, IDPs and Refugees, Jaffna, Media and Communications, Peace and Conflict, Politics and Governance, Post-War, Reconciliation, UN Panel Report, Vavuniya, War Crimes

Exclusive interview with Callum McCrae, Director of ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ produced by Channel 4

caught up with Callum McCrae, Director of the highly controversial and very disturbing film by Channel 4, Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields, in New York, a day before the film was due to…