Photo courtesy of Selvaraja Rajasegar

The Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA) has been under discussion by various groups,
commissions and governments for the last six decades. Although recommendations have been
made for amendments to the Act, consensus has not been reached, resulting in Muslim women
and girls facing continuous hardship.

Women and children are deliberately ignored in any discussions and are subjected to derision
and threats by male-headed organizations, politicians and conservatives who have never shown
concern about the issues faced by women, girls and children in their daily lives.

Voices have been raised continuously for the abolition of polygamy in the MMDA. The subject
has been included in a Cabinet decision on private Law. Polygamy is cited by women as the
main cause of problems in their families.

This video documentary produced and shot by our sister site Maatram is on the children psychologically affected by polygamy.