Year: 2012

The Challenge of Opposing the Impeachment Motion
Photo courtesy Euronews The clash between President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake, popularly (and wrongly) perceived as a battle between the executive/legislature and the judiciary, does not provide much hope…

To be or not to be Sri Lankan: That is the question!
Image from DW How do I define my identity? At first glance, the answer would be simple and clear: I am a French citizen with Sri Lankan origins. This would be enough…

Challenges for a Sustainable Economic Development in Sri Lanka
Image courtesy Norwegian Embassy, Sri Lanka First of all, I would like to define sustainable development. According to the .” But it is important to go further in the definition: “.” This…

Monsoons and Intermonsoons
Photo courtesy The New Zealand cricketers should not be surprised that their matches are being rained on. The following is from an article titled “The Language of Climate in Sri Lanka” (…

Post-war Sri Lanka’s media landscape: In conversation with Frederica Jansz
Before she was forced to flee Sri Lanka, before the suffered serious technical issues, this video interview wasn’t published earlier on the site. Recorded shortly after Frederica was fired from her post…

Impeaching Sri Lanka’s Chief Justice: A primer
Image courtesy [Editors note: The Supreme Court ruling on the Divineguma Bill presented to Parliament just before this article was published noted that the Bill has to be passed with 2/3rd majority in Parliament…

Many Shades of Accountability: The UN and Sri Lanka
Photo courtesy United Nations In the last stages of the war in Sri Lanka tens of thousands of civilians were killed and no one has been held to account to date. This…

Reflections on the US Presidential Elections
Photo courtesy BBC The outcome of the United States Presidential elections is too close to call. Yet, three presidential debates reinforced the perception among informed voters that Mitt Romney is both a…

Impeachment of Sri Lanka’s Chief Justice: An Unconstitutional Witch-hunt
Image courtesy AFP and via The Rajapaksha Regime, through its parliamentarians, handed over an impeachment motion to the Speaker, the elder brother of the President Rajapaksha against the first woman Chief Justice…

Which way forward in post-conflict Sri Lanka? Lessons from the so-called ‘powerless’ women of the North
Image courtesy Introduction Before the war, we were all together. Now, we are widows with no security, and no one sees what we have to live through. But we go on, try…

#UPRLKA: Complete tweet archive and related visualisation around Sri Lanka’s UPR review
Image courtesy Sydney Morning Herald On 1st November 2012, Sri Lanka was taken up for discussion as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC). The…

Impeachment of the Chief Justice: The Sword of Damocles over Democratic Governance?
In happier days. Photo courtesy Accounts, claiming varying degrees of authenticity abound of the impending impeachment of the Chief Justice. This is not the first time this has been attempted. Denizens of…

The Mahatma Gandhi Oration: Is Gandhi relevant today?
In November last year the New York Metropolitan Opera showcased its production of Gandhi- an opera by Philip Glass on Mahatma Gandhi’s struggle in South Africa. Though there were mixed reviews about…

Beyond the Canals: A Sri Lankan Dental Story
In August of this year, I had a tooth that was hurting a lot. I’ve had several root canals done in Central America. I knew that I’d been given the opportunity to…