Media and Communications
An “unpatriotic†appeal for a UN mechanism to protect civilians
These are difficult times for all. The GoSL is fighting a humanitarian war to liberate innocent civilians from the scourge of man-eating Tigers and claims that the safety and welfare of these…
Attacks on the Media, Military Successes and Political Settlement: The Stuff on Our Plates
End of January 2009. The political situation in Sri Lanka has seen considerable developments through 2008 and especially during the month of January 2009. The main focus today is the war against…
Remote Controllers a threat to National Security
By Banyan News Reporters Colombo, 15 January 2009: The television remote controller poses a serious threat to the country’s national security, the government has determined. A new law will soon be introduced…
To The Courts, In Remorse
Drop all charges against Tissanaiyagam. his glaucoma needs treatment and his wife will be grateful, …and the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps will feel less inclined to speak at public acts of…
Media watch: To write or not to write the truth
I once asked the following question, not from anyone in particular of course: Why don’t pens, pencils and paper go on strike decrying journalists who will not write the truth?” I might…
Thoughts on violence against and the future of independent media in Sri Lanka by Dinidu de Alwis
Dinidu de Alwis, a well known and well read blogger and journalist in Sri Lanka shares some thoughts on the future of independent media in Sri Lanka and the significant challenges it…
Thoughts on violence against and the future of independent media in Sri Lanka by Lakshman Gunesekera
Interview with Lakshman Gunesekera, President of the Sri Lanka chapter of the South Asia Free Media Association (SAFMA) and former Editor of the Sunday Observer. For more videos in Sinhala and English,…
“…The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity… …And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?” WB Yeats, ‘The…
A disturbing and growing McCarthyism in Sri Lanka?
The yardstick which President Mahinda Rajapaksa and many in his government used often to illustrate the “unbridled” freedom the media in this country was the publication of “The Sunday Leader“, a fiercely…
Ashes at the Stake – For Lasantha
I remember the day I heard Richard was killed Almost twenty years ago. Far away in the diaspora I sat all night My back bent and still. Regimes shifted, People still disappeared…
Attacks on Media
“What’s going on just now? What’s happening to us? What is this world, this period, this precise moment in which we are living?” –Michel Foucault Two incidents that happened within a period…
Protest march by lawyers over Lasantha Wickremetunge’s assassination
Video courtesy Vikalpa video. For details, read .
One of Us
During civilized periods in the history of kingdoms courtiers, or the king’s person himself, in audience with the gadfly, would offer the fellow death or exile. These days assassins butcher their fly…
Blood wanted, urgent!
Blood wanted, urgent! Quick, all you friends Can you please help To find more blood To immerse this whole nation In the red, life-giving fluid? The mighty Tsunami With all its geo-force…