Colombo, Disaster Management, Features, Human Rights, Identity, IDPs and Refugees, Jaffna, Media and Communications, Peace and Conflict, Politics and Governance, UN Panel Report, Vavuniya, War Crimes

A review of ‘The Cage: The Fight for Sri Lankan & The Last Days of the Tamil Tigers’

I was elated to take delivery of my copy of with articles perceived to be against the incumbent government, that this tome will be freely sold in bookstores. The publication and release…

Advocacy, Development, Diaspora, Human Rights, Human Security, IDPs and Refugees, Peace and Conflict, Politics and Governance, Post-War, Reconciliation, Youth

Reflecting on the End of the Sri Lankan Civil War: The Need for a New Conversation in the Global Sri Lankan Community

Although military hostilities in Sri Lanka ended two years ago, the dynamics of the conversation in the global Sri Lankan community continues to be influenced by the nations’ past conflicts. Decades of…

Colombo, Features, IDPs and Refugees, International, International Relations, Media and Communications, Peace and Conflict, Politics and Governance, Post-War, Vavuniya

From draft to official text: Wikileaks reveals the US response to the end of war in Sri Lanka

The Norwegian newspaper published on 7th May a cable from the Wikileaks tranche of US diplomatic cables (confidential briefings) dealing the US government’s response to the end of war in Sri Lanka. Wikileaks…

Colombo, Diplomacy, Features, Foreign Relations, Human Rights, Human Security, IDPs and Refugees, International Relations, Peace and Conflict, Politics and Governance, Post-War, Reconciliation, UN Panel Report, War Crimes

An elephantine gestation: UN Panel’s report on accountability in Sri Lanka released

Leaked versions of the UN Panel’s report found their way into . The UN had earlier expressed its deep regret over the leak to mainstream print media in Sri Lanka. Accusations between Palitha…