
Daily Propaganda

The Daily News is a state owned newspaper. What it publishes parrots and praises the party line and is usually taken with a grain of salt. Lately, however, it requires at least…

Colombo, Peace and Conflict

Colombo: Under Siege?

Colombo has gradually degenerated into a sinister looking, ‘frightened city’. During the past few months roads have been blocked, speeding convoys disrupt normal traffic, traffic is directed one way, (which is still…


Groundviews now up

Thanks for your patience. We traced the problem to Critters in the system, who we convinced to go after Gremlins and leave us alone.


Groundviews down

Seems like we are having some problems with WordPress (we think) that’s resulted in the corruption of Groundviews webpages – we’re working hard to get things up and running again.