Sri Lanka : Decades of Displacement
From UNHCR’s video channel on YouTube. Also read Maps of Shame.
From UNHCR’s video channel on YouTube. Also read Maps of Shame.
වර්ෂ1996ෙය්දි ඔස්ෙටුිලියà·à·€à¶§ එෙරහිව à·à·”à·’ ලංකà·à·€ ලද ෙලà·à·Šà¶š කුසලà·à¶± ජයගුහණය දà·à¶±à·Š දà·à¶±à·Š අපෙග් මà¶à¶šà¶º අඑà¶à·Š කරනව෠ෙනà·à¶…නුමà·à¶±à¶ºà·’.ෙමි දිනවල බටහිර ඉන්දිය ෙකà·à·™à¶¯à·€à·’ දුපà¶à·Šà·„à·’ පà·à·€à·à¶à·Šà·™à·€à¶± 9 වන ෙලà·à·Šà¶š කුසලà·à¶± à¶à¶»à¶œà·à·€à¶½à·’ෙය් අර්ධ අවසන් à¶à¶»à¶œà¶º සදහ෠ෙමම…
In my recent contribution in Sinhala to Mawbima, I explore the murder of Thillainayagam Theeban as first reported by Nalaka Gunawardene in this forum. An interesting footnote is that not a single…
If the Bush regime can do it, why can’t the Sri Lankan Government … From today’s Daily News: Army Commander Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka paid a special visit to the area yesterday…
A post here points to a powerful new report on the dangers on humanitarian aid work in Sri Lanka and elsewhere. Reports in Groundviews, both from Citizen Journalists as well as news…
News that mobile phone users in the North & East of Sri Lanka are once again cut off is a disturbing trend in the erosion of fundamental rights, including Article 19 of…
Last week this column ended with the statement that there was a lot to be learnt and unlearnt in 2007. The new year is now with us and with it the unfolding…