Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Like Gandhi, Ambedkar was truly a Mahatma and a great visionary. As the Chair of the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution, Ambedkar was primarily responsible for gifting to India a great…
Like Gandhi, Ambedkar was truly a Mahatma and a great visionary. As the Chair of the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution, Ambedkar was primarily responsible for gifting to India a great…
In his article under the above title in the Island of Saturday 3rd December, my old friend P.S.Mahawatta pays me two inaccurate compliments. Firstly, he says, using the present tense, that I…
There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence of the wide prevalence of caste prejudice and occasional oppression spread across our island, particularly concentrated in some localities, notably in Jaffna, but focused research…
In of 21 September 2016, Thivanka Perera posed the question “How about the widows of the 600 policemen?”. The rest of the article does not merit a response, but this question does….
Featured image courtesy Al Jazeera Until recently, I have seldom had occasion to disagree with Izeth Hussain. However, while there is much that I agree with in the contents of his article published…
Featured image courtesy johnians.org The Principal of St. Johns College, Jaffna, in appealing for contributions to a memorial fund in the name of the late S.P.Jeevanantham, has described him as a great…
Read Part 1 here. There have been diverse responses to the singing of our National Anthem in both our national languages; some sensible, some stupid; some patriotic, some racist. Among the questions…
Image courtesy Narenthiran I read Prof. Carlo Fonseka’s article under the caption ‘Accolades for President and Prime Minister‘ in 10 Feb. with much interest and appreciation. Listening to the singing of the…
Featured image courtesy DNAIndia We daily read and often hear of “war heroes”, and of our duty from protect them from any charges of misconduct. This is one of the few issues…
Featured image courtesy puvath.lk I wish I could answer this question with an unqualified yes, but I cannot. There has been significant progress on several issues, but also stagnation and even regression…
Picture courtesy panoramio These three books are essential reading for those interested in the events in the North and East of this Island, and their impact on the people of that region…
Photograph by REUTERS/Dinuka Liyanawatte, via On what criteria should we vote in elections? Should it based on the issues closest to our own, irrespective of likely consequences? Or should it be strategic, designed…
Photo via I have enjoyed and appreciated the documents you have sent me and am happy to speak to you on Peace and Reconciliation – Way Forward. Up till the time of…
Image courtesy News First The recent gang rape and murder of a school girl in Jaffna has, within the few days, triggered many public reports in newspapers and elsewhere, raised many issues…
Photo by AP Photo/Eranga Jayawardena via SBS We have entered the ninth decade since the Donoughmore Reforms leading to the first State Council elections of 1931. Through the early part of these eight…