Comments on: Is the Government afraid of “Sinhala” racists or is it racist too? Journalism for Citizens Sun, 27 Sep 2015 02:02:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: puniselva Sun, 27 Sep 2015 02:02:00 +0000 In reply to puniselva.

”saved political VVIPs of the previous regime”
So we have MR2 embodied in RW??????

By: puniselva Fri, 25 Sep 2015 17:06:00 +0000 ”We have saved not only Sri Lanka’s future but also political VVIPs of the previous regime”?

That is neither #wecanChangeSL nor Good Governance. Neither what the ”Common Candidacy” appealed for nor what the voters agreed to.

By: puniselva Fri, 25 Sep 2015 16:57:00 +0000 1.Westerners and Easterners and Northern Hemisphere and Southrn Hemisphere ALL wish to see Buddhist behaviour and not Buddhist Sri Lanka, Myanmar and any other ”Buddhist” country.

2. 2,500yrs of Buddhism have produced ”Corridors of Power” annihilating anything and everything in its wake:

3. ”Damn if the Sinhela people talk, Damn if they do not.”:

why do they tell the Sinhala masses one thing inside Sri Lanka and the completelly opposite at the UN?.

4.Why do they utter lies to get GSP+?

By: Tony Francis Fri, 25 Sep 2015 14:40:00 +0000 Mr RW- the PM- must not brush off a report prepared by a UN body after careful deleberation. The
High Commissioner has clearly spelt out his reasons for his recommendation. Unfortunately RW is not
behaving anything better that MR. Could the PM provide any acceptable reasoning to the High Commissioner for virtually disregarding the entire recommendation?The Tamil speaking voters expect
Justice ; that is why they gave their votes in the last two elections; The PM must have the courage to
speak the truth to all SriLankans, rather than to claim that he has saved alleged criminals!

By: disgustman Thu, 24 Sep 2015 18:32:00 +0000 “The present agreement between the SLFP and UNP is only for two years. If the present government loses grip on governance, even a local mechanism assisted by foreign Experts and UNHRC will not be possible, according to Mr Sivapalan who is an Attorney-at-Law (Ilangkai), Solicitor (England and Wales) and Barrister and Solicitor (Australian Capital Territory).
Mr Sivapalan left the island soon after the Scandinavian ceasefire monitors pulled out, after serving as a local member of the SLMM.” He has ……………………source:

By: srivanamoth Thu, 24 Sep 2015 17:44:00 +0000 The answer to the eternal SL question is: it is both racist and afraid of Sinhala votes at elections. That explains why the three main political parties from the south are in cahoots to protect themselves and all three parties have carried out and /or promoted race riots, a pogrom and finally a war of genocidal proportions. These are well known positions to the world. The LTTE was created by the UNP and the SLFP over the years and the final blow was delivered by the UFPA under the former regime in 2008. However only the UN carefully chose the last 6 months of the war for accountability purposes as deemed by India and the US for whatever reasons by intent. Kusal Perera is dead right in his analysis as reflected in his last para thereby putting the TNA in a serious spot.Will the UNHRC do what is right by taking the factual positions or be left to take a position in line with human rights international law under the UN Charter? The South African experience is inapplicable to SL.

By: srivanamoth Thu, 24 Sep 2015 15:02:00 +0000 The Author is noted for his honest opinions without fear or favour. If indeed the hybrid court is not welcome then it should be a straight case for the IC at the Hague. After all it has been suspected all along that there is no real difference on the issues among the three political parties in government. Finally, after playing for time the real truth has been bared! The proposed T&R process in former South Africa was a sop but bear no real comparison on every count. Goes to show that truth is undivided and only honesty can survive in the end.

By: Justin Thu, 24 Sep 2015 09:55:00 +0000 The question about the inquiry proposed in the UNHRC should be looked at NOT from a point of view of false “Sri Lankan pride” but from the “qualty” of justice of Sri Lankan judicial system, and the capabilty of Sri Lankan prosecutors and judges to perform the task.

In SL, the prosecutors and judges do their work in vernacular languages of Sinhala and Tamil.

In the recent past, the Chief Justice failed even to diffferentiate between the words “witness” and “ëvidence” in Sinhala. He tried but explained neither but an “affidavit”

How can they handle international law to achieve international standards of inquiry, prosecution and justice?

Are we not deceiving ourselves? Is our “false pride” going to bring us shame and not reconciliation?

By: Upali Jayatilaka Thu, 24 Sep 2015 05:48:00 +0000 Look at this problem in a different way. We are trying to resolve issues that are complex.All the proposals put forward are not comprehensive answers to the problem and never will be. However, no one has addressed the root causes for the issue and got the basics right.

We have these problems because something fundamental were wrong. What was that? Law andorder. Have that been put right NO. Why not. There has been no structural constructivechange. Its like washing your plate with dirty water. The plate remains dirty. Wehave had commission reports, comprehensive research done. We know the basicthings that we need to do. But do not do those after each and every study orcommission report but repeat the exercise periodically. Its called window dressing, just to show that the problem is being addressed. President Sirisena hit thenail on the head. The squabbles between the UNP and SLFP. No one is interested in
doing what is right. But to engage is scoring points. To be seen to be doingthings. Seniority and faithfulness should not be a basis for reconstruction.

Competence and ability, capacity to go through reform in the short term and long term should be the focus of engagement.

We need to start from the very beginning. Train a good civilian police force. Make it completely independent of politicians and other interested parties. The A.G. Departmentsand the Judiciary should undergo something similar what transpired in Kenya.

A Commission like the Constitutional Council consisting of Civil Society in line with the Vetting Commission of Kenya. Its an opening dose to get rid off all the cancer that has settled into the system, identify some who succumbed due to having no choice. Give them conditional extensions have them monitored. Till such a clean
up starts turning back the clock with this set up is a non starter. Theeducated men in high office both in the public sector and private sector areequally to be blamed as Politicians. They saw nothing more than money and

We need Proceeds of crime legislation, Confiscation orders, Money laundering legislation to beenforced and all professionals to be made accountable. We need to set up anindependent professional’s regulatory body or strengthen the CAA with regulatory functions if professions fail to self regulate and take swift action against Members who flout basic ethical standards.

People arewaiting for change. The State is incapable of bringing that change because theteam selected are not competent, do not have capacity or the will. If itcarries on the January 8th revolution will not be the end there will
be more to come. Civil Society should carry on its struggle and help honestdecent representatives to get into parliament. Educate the people. The effortswere not enough. We have been made slaves, it takes time to get out of it. The Vulture Culture, The Maggot dependency should change.

By: Abimanasingham sitthawatthai Thu, 24 Sep 2015 04:28:00 +0000 Dear Kusal Perera!

In your article on LLRC Report (2011 Nov.?) also you simply ignored what were said in Para-8.150 of the LLRC Report and the Para – 28 of the UN Expert Committee Report.

For your information, the Para – 3.150 of the LLRC Report says that:

“The Commission takes the view that the root cause of the
ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka lies in the failure of successive Governments to
address the genuine grievances of the Tamil people.

The country may not have been confronted with a violent separatist agenda, if the political consensus at
the time of independence had been sustained and if policies had been
implemented to build up and strengthen the confidence of the minorities around
the system which had gained a reasonable measure of acceptance.”

The method of analysis of the LLRC is not logical or scientific!

It should have asked the question What prevented the successive Governments of Sri Lanka from addressing the genuine grievances of the Tamil people?

The answer to this question is the Root cause of the ethnic problem in our country!

The Para – 28 of the UN Expert Committee Report gives answer to this question. It says:

“After independence, political elites tended to prioritize
short-term political gains, appealing to communal and ethnic sentiments, over
long-term policies, which could have built an inclusive state that adequately
represented the multicultural nature of the citizenry. Because of these
dynamics and divisions, the formation of a unifying national identity has been

That is, the Root Cause of the ethnic problem in the country is the imaginary Doctrine Sinhala – Sinhalese – Buddhism – Lanka with one-to-one correspondence of the Sinhala Nation and the Governments dominated by the Sinhala Buddhists.

To my knowledge neither the President nor the Prime Minister has made any open declaration that they and their Government reject this Doctrine in words and deeds!

It confirms that the President, the Prime Minister and the Government still cling on to the Doctrine mentioned.

What is the appropriate word you wish to use to signify such President, Prime Minister and the Government ?

Simply Racist? Or some other word?

If the Government is afraid of the Sinhala Buddhists also, the present government will not be able to solve the ethnic problem of our country!

On the other hand, the Tamil, Sinhala political parties and other Civil Society bodies talking about finding a political solution will be farce and an eye wash!
