Comments on: Is it the NGOs in Sri Lanka that need straitjacketing? Journalism for Citizens Mon, 14 Jul 2014 09:12:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Justice & Fairplay Mon, 14 Jul 2014 09:12:00 +0000 In reply to RE.

This is a terrific piece of humour! Yes just as much as g.o.d. offers entertainment, the responses he elicits offers even more!!.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first try to deceive……”

By: Fitzpatrick Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:50:00 +0000 In reply to RE.

LOL, nice quote from Tamil.

By: RE Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:49:00 +0000 Chaps,

Lay off the good old diplomat (g.o.d., my gosh!) will you!? His attempts at (as they say in Tamil) hiding the whole pumpkin in a plate of rice is an endless source of entertainment in these dark times! You should be thankful that no worthies are being quoted this time 😉

By: Fitzpatrick Thu, 10 Jul 2014 23:05:00 +0000 On 22nd Sep 2013 soon after the Northern Provincial Council elections, Dayan wrote as follows on GV (emphasis mine).

The TNA victory has shown that Sri Lanka remains a functioning democracy; that it functions when there is competition; and that with or without the 17th amendment and even under the tightest military supervision, the government can be electorally defeated.


So what pray has changed between September 2013, and now? If the election and the daily lives of the northern people can be run under the tightest military supervision as Dayan put it, then why is Dayan suddenly so worried about this new circular?

Dayan states in this article:
Is our society one in which freedom of voluntary association, expression and activity prevails so long as these do not violate existing laws, starting with the Constitution?

Could he elaborate how those northern woman demanding to know where their loved ones who surrendered before their eyes are violating the “constitution” and the ” freedom of voluntary association”?

Why did he stay silent then instead of defending their right to know but speaks now?
Is it because is affects him? his it because the former only affected the livelihood of the minority Tamils and this affects the southern majority?

Dayan is so full of contradictions that one does not have to go far to discover them (sadly). If one had a single principle then you don’t have to worry about trying to remember what one’s position was in September 2013 or for that matter as minister of the short lived North-East Provincial council in the late 80s.

By: Dev Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:14:00 +0000 Much more than anything President Rajapaksa has done, it is the doctrine, discourse, actions and inactions, of the current defense officialdom, that have changed Sri Lanka’s target profile from May 2009 when the country had an effective diplomatic shield…

I find in our defense ministry website ( ) the following:
The President of Sri Lanka and Minister of Defence and urban development
Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa

As minister, isn’t our Mahinda responsible for the “defense officialdom”?

At the end of the day, doesn’t the buck stop at the president’s door as minster of defense?

Please call a spade a spade, Dayan !!

By: Dev Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:55:00 +0000 Oh dear, Dayan has got himself into a muddle again or thinks people are naive or fools or a combination of the two.

Dayan has clearly stated that he wants our dear twice elected president to have another term. He justifies it with JR and CBK having 2 terms despite not winning the war !

We are dealing with the EXECUTIVE president.
The same presidency that Premadasa (another of Dayan’s hero’s) committed many crimes against humanity in the late 80 in the south.
Which Dayan’s current hero Mahinda went all the way to Geneva to complain about !

Now he wants the same presidency to be controlled by the parliament?
Oh dear oh dear, have we forgotten how our current incumbent reached the magic number of 2/3 in the parliament? What is stopping him from doing that again in the next parliament?
The executive presidency has no controls, the 17th amendment which put in some controls was taken away by the 18th amendment (can you remember who did that Dayan?) One Dayan said nothing about ??

Also who appoints the defense sec? The parliament or the president ?
Also, can we remind ourselves who in the end makes diplomatic appointments?

By: Jack Point Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:03:59 +0000 The situation here is akin to one where the lunatics are running the asylum.

How can the patient be treated when the deranged creature is now in control of the institution itself?

We can hope tha concerted efforts by the international community can try and keep things in check for a while but revitalising the opposition is essential.
