Comments on: Obliteration of Road Painting Commemorating Neelan Tiruchelvam on Kynsey Road (with photos) Journalism for Citizens Thu, 23 Aug 2012 08:01:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: A Concerned Citizen Thu, 23 Aug 2012 08:01:52 +0000 This is a response to Punitham’s comment on this matter.
This lady has rightly commented that the oil that has been left over after the disfigurement of the murals on Kynsey Road have now been sent to Jaffna for use there.
We have just had news that the building of the Valikamam South Pradeshiya Sabaha has been splashed with oil the night before the opening ceremony as the Governor had not been invited to open it.
This despicable act only goes to confirm the existence of a military rule in the North and the contempt the government has for civilians playing their legitimate role in the administration of their respective areas.
It is suggested they should allow the oil to remain as it is and wide publicity given to the incident. A board could be put up stating that the disfiguring of that building is symbolic of the mindset of the rulers of the time. Let the local and foreign visitors to that part of the country see what kind of things happen in the North which is totally under the control of the Sri Lanka Army.

By: Punitham Thu, 23 Aug 2012 05:38:18 +0000 In reply to Punitham.

Black oil in Colombo.

Left-over sent to Jaffna:

By: randy mathew Fri, 10 Aug 2012 09:00:35 +0000 In reply to Ranga Kalugampitiya.

Ranga , I cannot agree with you more on this—Since this unruly mob took over the country, it has gone from bad to worse. We can only patiently hope for better times & it is so sad that the UNP is a very weak opposition.

By: Ravana Thu, 09 Aug 2012 04:10:25 +0000 In reply to Kumar.

@kumar and katta,

Technically you would be correct except for the fact that it appears only Tamil and English letters and painting associated were obliterated. That is what is of most concern. Why were the men not dressed in the uniform of municipal workers? The treatment of non-sinhala minorities is clearly and symbolically represented here.

It seems to me there has been a tradition behind this commemoration. Graffiti art on pathways and roads is not unheard of. If you personally believe that Neelan was a great man and should be treated with more respect, then perhaps the two of you should get together and commence a campaign to erect a statue in his honour. I am sure that those who drew the paintings would very much support you in such a venture.

Why don’t you start the campaign first and see the support it receives? That should be a good test of Sri Lanka and its capacity to be tolerant of ethnic leaders from a minority sector and to appreciate their contribution. If you do not wish to do that then just let the less powerful people grieve in peace.

By: Iromi Salgado Tue, 07 Aug 2012 17:12:57 +0000 Neelan Tiruchelvam was a moderate Tamil who was murdered by the LTTE. Cowards can obliterate road paintings and murals but they will never be able to obliterate his name from the history of our country. He was too good to die. We reap what we sow. May that day dawn soon on those who do evil.

By: Walter Tue, 07 Aug 2012 11:35:55 +0000 Gentlemen
Who is Neelan Tiruchelvam?
A Tamil academic who defended the most corrupt regime, whether for expected perks or not I do not know.
I say this with hesitation nevertheless because many Tamils and Sinhalese since Independence have turned coats for perks.
There are thousands of people unknown to you and me who have been killed by the Protectors and the Defectors all unsung heroes of this Country.
If you start painting the roads with murals, we might have to go to the next land too, for so many innocent people have perished.
All of them have in some way contributed and sweated for their survival but overall for this Country.

By: Citizen Mon, 06 Aug 2012 15:33:11 +0000 This is not done by any ordinary extremist, its our very own Beautifier of the Nation. We see and hear of his guys all the time, travelling in defenders and white vans doing various odd jobs. No doubt he wanted to clean up the road. Maybe some dignitary commented on it, looks ugly. Beautifying the country is his prerogative.

By: Bandu Mon, 06 Aug 2012 13:57:33 +0000 It is not one man to decide what should be done to graffiti painted by the public even though this is the cheapest way to remember a national patriot.This is part of the Colombo Municipality property and anything of this nature should be authorized by it. Taking decisions single handadly will have negative repercussions. Trying to rule by instigating communal divide and racist ideology could bring down the government.

By: A Concerned Citizen Mon, 06 Aug 2012 07:33:41 +0000 This incident only goes to re-confirm the fact that lawlessness is widely prevelant in our country. Should not the blame for such and other similar incidents be squarely placed on the Ministry of Defence which has all the law enforcement bodies under its command ? If the law enforcement authorities cannot bring to book those responsible for this incident whats the point in such bodies existing. Are they there only to protect the interests of the government in power and its henchmen ?

By: Sikkanders Butt Mon, 06 Aug 2012 06:46:01 +0000 This road graffiti amounts to defacement of public property and should be discouraged. At least, Englands BANSKY has some taste and limits his masterpiece works to hoardings and walls. But the attempts of Sri Lankas KYNSKYs are cheap, chav and an eyesore to say the least.
