Comments on: Letter to President regarding religious extremism in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Mon, 30 Jul 2012 11:31:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: P.L.J.B.Palipana Mon, 30 Jul 2012 11:31:22 +0000 I was born in Matale. My relatives there told me that this monk is a buisinessman and the dispute was generated by a buisiness rivalry. The first thing Hon.MR had to do was disrobing this monk and keep him to do his day today buisiness. I remember the Kandalama incident too.There are vast amount of like minded monks and they are destroying the image of our country Nationally & Internationally.We have to leave a build-up generation for the young people anda Secular State is the only answer.Hindu, Muslim and Catholic priest are not engaged in Politics and those Buddhist monks are dividing the country politically and morally.Really they are laymen with yellow robes. Very sad indeed!!!

By: Groundviews Mon, 30 Jul 2012 10:28:46 +0000 In reply to A Concerned Citizen.

Thank you. A point of clarification – Not In Our Name features comments on over 1,400 individuals – it is not for CPA or Groundviews to take sole credit for these moving, courageous and inspiring sentiments. The true value is in the capture of progressive public sentiment, for posterity.

By: A Concerned Citizen Mon, 30 Jul 2012 09:35:13 +0000 I congratulate groundviews for making this remarkable effort to draw the attention of the government to the dangers of allowing the current trend of religious intolerance to prolifer and get out of control.
The government that Sri Lanka has today is the most powerful one since independence. Mahinda Rajapakse’s victory, rightly or wrongly, over the LTTE made him a hero to a large majority of the people of this country. This has provided him with the opportunity to make use of his popularity and power to lead the nation on the proper path and get rid of undesirable trends, that any right thinking man could see as matters that would eventually lead Sri Lanka to becoming an undemocractic country with its people divided into the privileged and oppressed races. He has undisputed power to make a determined effort to unite everyone in this plural society and forge a truly united nation. Unfortunately, knowingly or unknowingly, the government has and is committing various actions which has and is alienating those not belonging to the majority community and following Buddhism and fostering chauvinism. These actions have widened the gap that existed between the various races and those following the various religions in Sri Lanka.
The expectation that with the end of the war a determined effort would be made by the government to bring about a reconciliation between the various communities has become a mirage. The sparodic incidents that smack of religious and communal intolerance which government appears to condone rather than condemn have been occuring from time to time. No serious efforts have been taken to bring to book the perpetrators. This tendency only paves the way for more such incidents to be communitted with impunity. Undoubtedly this tendency does not augur well for the future of this country.
Let us hope that the efforts that groundviews and all right thinking people are taking to stem this trend do not become fruitless.

By: Andrea Rogers Mon, 23 Jul 2012 22:53:11 +0000 I support the efforts of Groundviews Not in Our Name – let all those of different religions live in peace. To me no one religion is better than another. People choose the one that works for them. Too much violence has been perpetrated in the name of religion.

By: truth&peace Sun, 15 Jul 2012 06:27:30 +0000 In reply to Minority.

government should play a responsible role to promote peace and should not side anyone with vested motives. such an approach will help to form the foundation to bring up religious tolerance in the country.

By: Nagalingam Ethirveerasingam Sat, 14 Jul 2012 05:10:59 +0000 Thanks you Groundviews. Timely and respectful letter of appeal. I hope the President will respond positively and with compassion to calm the fears of members of all religions.

By: Minority Fri, 13 Jul 2012 15:03:47 +0000 In reply to truth&peace.

I agree with your views but not so sure how we could educate people to think more openly and inclusivly. We are up against vested interests who promote racism as a cure for all the ills facing the country.
Indoctrination of children commences during the formative years.

Nevertheless there is a need for such efforts and maybe mature educated people will sign on and help promote such efforts. I think organisations such as the Assembly of Religons could play a more active role in promoting peace between religons.

By: truth&peace Fri, 13 Jul 2012 08:26:09 +0000 good effort by groundviews. cause of racism and who is behind all theses acts also need to be identified. this is such an effort

By: Nazafi Wed, 11 Jul 2012 09:02:23 +0000 Thank you Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu for taking such an amazing step on the current situation. Every single citizen think and pray for the peace. only very few are willing to earn with these kinds of situations. on face book it self if you have notices and few other group which lead by few racists are publishing such a powerful and scary false information tothe society. As a citizen of Sri Lanka i believe this is not a healthy movement. Which could lead to another dark era of Sri Lanka. As a citizen My self and I guess so many others trying to educate our own communities not to act on racism and trying to protect the peace. What you have done is giving every single one of us who is trying hard keep the peace a boost. Please do follow on this matter. Thank You.

By: Minority Tue, 10 Jul 2012 15:52:23 +0000 The silence of right thinking people, minding their own business, provides an enabling environment for extremists and hypocrites to do their unholy acts. Today crime and lawlessness is on the rise and sooner or later the affects will touch our lives as well. True religon does not support thuggery and violence. Racism in the garb of religon is an insidious enemy that eats into the moral fabric of society.

I pay tribute to all those who speak on behalf of the rights of those other than their own. When a limb is injured the rest of the body feels the pain. Such must be our feelings and empathy to unite and form a strong Nation.
