Comments on: The Oldest and the Greatest: A reflection on the Bradby Shield and what it stands for Journalism for Citizens Thu, 02 Jan 2014 09:47:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Guest-Vihanga Thu, 02 Jan 2014 09:47:00 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

Dear Blacker, the Kingswood-Wesley fixture for the Blaze trophy was initiated in July 1986. The Bradby is older than the Blaze Trophy. Of course, Kingswood is the first school recorded as playing rugby in SL. According to Blaze’s records, the game was adopted in 1891. The first recorded inter-school fixture is recorded as being between Kingswood and Trinity in 1906.

By: haren Thu, 26 Jul 2012 06:37:29 +0000 In reply to siva nallaiah.

Thanks for pointing that out Siva.
However, if you check the Oxford dictionary, you will find that there is nothing wrong with the term as it is used in the article. 🙂

By: siva nallaiah Thu, 26 Jul 2012 03:44:31 +0000 In reply to haren.

The words used “Blue-ribbon” to describe the imporatnce of the Bradby shield, I think is wrong. It is based on the term used to describe the most prestigious yacht or sail boat race which awards the winner the “Blue ribband” trophy.

Siva N

By: Izza Wed, 11 Jul 2012 06:36:08 +0000 @Hare,Good write up Muchung!

By: haren Thu, 05 Jul 2012 07:01:36 +0000 In reply to Don Quixote.

Welcome to the President’s Club Don Quixote. But I am sure you already feel quite at home!

By: Don Quixote Wed, 04 Jul 2012 10:58:42 +0000 What a load of pompous balderdash and a whole lot of psuedo intellectuals trying to “add value” to this rubbish !

By: Nugera Sat, 30 Jun 2012 14:30:12 +0000 Well, them days when a Trinity player got assaulted they could not fight back; they get sacked or suspended.

We even earned the admiration of some the rough n tough rugby schools.

The last decades saw a few changes, when even the soldiers of Pallakalle Army were used by a past defense secretary’s son.

However, considering the violence that had broken out in many leading school matches, some resulting even in death and cancellation of the fixture, this issue is not the norm, but something we all are trying to stamp out.

The society’s values are no longer the same, and we emulate our leaders.

By: Dinesh Kulatunga. Sat, 30 Jun 2012 10:08:45 +0000 Dear David Blacker,I want to correct your comments…
1)The oldest schools rugby encounter is between Trinity n Royal playing the game since year 1920 uninterrupted except the 2nd leg of 1971 in Kandy was not played due to youth insurgency.The sporting principal of Trinity the late Mr.Lionel Fernando handed over the coveted shield to Royal at Navarangahala due to Royal winning the 1st leg by 22-0.
2)The oldest schools rugby encounter played for a shield or trophy is between Trinity n Royal playing the coveted Bradby shield since year 1945.
3)The rugby was introduced to Kingswood in year 1893,the first school in Srilanka to do so and played the 1st schools game against Trinity in year 1906.After 1906 rugby at Kingswood had a sudden death and Kingswood played rugby again in 70’s or early 80’s.But they never played against more established schools like Trinity,Royal,St.Peters,St.Thomas,Joes,Wesley,SACK and Isipathana( Previously Greenlands college).Kingswood may have played in the ‘B’division.
Trinity has been playing oval shape game since year 1906 uninterrupted and this is thier 106th year in the rugby field…
4)The Glory years of Kingswood rugby commenced recently after year 2000 winning the Presidents trophy.
5)Wesley took up the game in year 1956.
6)The L.E.Blaze shield was introduced in year 1987 for the KCK vs.WC encounter.BUT alas it is not continued to date…In some years in between this encounter has not been played.
7)So you can see L.E.Blaze shield was introduced much later 42-years after the coveted Bradby Shield was played in 1945.
8)The greatest sport invented by the mankind was introduced to Srilankan schools as below with years.
SACK-Early Sixties,
Isipathana( Then Greenlands college)-Early Sixties.

By: Vikram Rajsingh Sat, 30 Jun 2012 06:52:21 +0000 Dear X-Royalist,

But we are Venga boyz, from Lala land, with ‘Sinha’ myths.

The Native has no place, now trying to hold on to the last patch of forest.

So who are you to complain after going to Royal

History is history, now is now, but we had great history way before; Ravan the great, Kuveni and her high-tech weaving…

To be stuck at 2500 years is the ‘fair n lovely’ theory, the Aryan suremacy myth, cannot blame the Sudha for that.

The problem is actually is with you fellows.

By: citizen Sat, 30 Jun 2012 02:12:20 +0000 In reply to citizen.

Fair point ExRoyalist. I thought you were advocating for ‘elle’ and ‘chak-gudu’ to replace Cricket and Rugby. Hmmmm…. (Between you and me though, I don’t think the Thomians will be much good for anything but ‘bada pinum’!)

I don’t think we are Anglophiles all, but in as much as we think in words; those who speak English are influenced by the language and its literature. We are a mix and we have always been so even before colonial times. Even our names reflect this mix – the prevalence of Tamil, Sanskrit, Persian and Arabian names that we’ve made our own many centuries ago, and now we have Dutch and English. There is something in that mix which makes us Sri Lankans more cosmopolitan and culturally adaptive. We can choose to celebrate it. It is not so much that the British have left their baggage behind, but some of theirs have infused and cross pollinated and what we are left with is unique and quintessentially ours.

Once we are at peace with this reality, and only then will we truly be free.
