Comments on: A Search for Identity: Tomorrow’s Sri Lankan! Journalism for Citizens Sat, 03 Mar 2012 16:59:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wallflower Sat, 03 Mar 2012 16:59:46 +0000 By all means let us not play into the hands of those who still wish and are playing the old game of divide and rule. Let us put our differences aside and be good human beings with TOLERANCE

By: sabbe laban Thu, 01 Mar 2012 17:08:22 +0000 Nathan

You are just attempting to twist an argument in your favour, which too falls flat! An underlying mistaken notion of racial superiority may be the reason for this attempt!

It will be called coercion, if I say that “Eelam Tamils” should be assimilated with Sri Lankans! What I said was, that they should be assimilated with other such people! This what Hon.Kaynes says too!

So, by now you should understand that your point doesn’t arise from my argument, unless you have a comprehension problem!

By: nathan Thu, 01 Mar 2012 11:25:55 +0000 In reply to Keynes!.

1. “Considering the message that the writer harps on, the positive approach for your concern would be, Firstly you recognizing yourself as a “Sri Lankan”.”

2. “Unless you are insane, you have declared your identity here! ”

3. “Losers can still be choosers.”

I thank the three gentlemen for defeating the argument of the author in a much better manner than I could have.

Thus proved – an Eelam Tamil ‘becomes’ a Sri Lankan with the threat of coercion (point1), failing to do it, he/she is mad, thus excluded from the lines of ‘civilization’ (point 2).

Else, since we are losers anyway, we should subscribe to the logic of the victors, the Sinhalese, and accept the identity that they have created.


By: Orion Thu, 01 Mar 2012 08:46:33 +0000 Kamaya. J. “I am a Sri Lankan. And you?”

Your question should be …And from which country are you from? But then that is not what you wanted me to say. Sorry, your question is irrelevant.

Why are we so concerned with Identity and want to impose one’s own identity on another and want everyone to have the same identity? Boring. Insecurity I suppose. I know what and who I am. Why is it necessary for a person from a country to identify their identity as that of the name of that country? That does not define the person except to locate that person geographically. I was born in Ceylon and had a Ceylon Passport three times. Does that make me Ceylonese or Ceylonan? Srimavo and her band decided to change the name and the constitution. If Ceylonan was my identity does political rogues have a right to change my identity? I now have a Sri Lanka passport does that make my identity to change to Sri Lankan. Identity? Identity changes only if that person want to change it.
Ok, You have told me who you are though I did not ask you. I would never ask you what your identity is. It would be rude. If you ask me where I was born I would say Ceylon. If you say where do you live, I would say in Sri Lanka and many other countries.

Next time you are in a village where there is no electricity, look up and ask the group of stars that we have named ORION, “Oh Orion, I am Sri Lankan. And you? ” Are you an Archer with a belt buckle or is that the identity people on Earth has given you?

By: Keynes! Thu, 01 Mar 2012 07:15:19 +0000 In reply to nathan.


Losers can still be choosers. You can join the Eelam Peoples Democratic Party and sit with Douglas Devananda.

By: sabbe laban Wed, 29 Feb 2012 22:55:41 +0000 In reply to nathan.


Unless you are insane, you have declared your identity here! You will be an Eelam Tamil & you will be assimilated with them!

By: A. Sitthawatthai Wed, 29 Feb 2012 18:54:21 +0000 Yes. Some could think in the way you have mentioned. It is very nice indeed!But if the Government of Sri Lanka, its laws and actions emphasize that Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhala Theravada Buddhists, then who is a Sri Lankan?

By: Anuk Wed, 29 Feb 2012 17:41:24 +0000 In reply to nathan.

Mr. Nathan, In my opinion if you are labeling yourself as a “Tamil Eelam”, it might not work for you in Sri Lanka for “your demands”.

Considering the message that the writer harps on, the positive approach for your concern would be, Firstly you recognizing yourself as a “Sri Lankan”.

By: Stephanie Wed, 29 Feb 2012 17:23:17 +0000 This is a very relevant article, as the end of the war did mark a real change in the country, with different consequences. But was there also a change in mentalities thanks to that ? It should have been so, as everyone gets a chance to position themselves again, think larger than before and reconsider the idea of the Sri Lankan identity, not being restricted to one religion or ethnic origin …
I never thought about it from a starting point such as the post-war time. It appears to me like a real opportunity indeed to reframe our conceptions and be more open-minded on this identity, allowing people to be different from one another, but still -and most importantly- accepting one another no matter what.

By: sabbe laban Wed, 29 Feb 2012 15:25:30 +0000 In reply to Keynes!.

Is ‘Kaynes family’ any different?
