Comments on: Niromi 2009 versus Niromi Tigress 2011 Journalism for Citizens Mon, 22 Apr 2013 01:29:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: ABC can foul. See Niromi! Hear Niromi! Without a Knox …. No Demidenko | Thuppahi's Blog Mon, 22 Apr 2013 01:29:57 +0000 […] Roberts, Michael 2011d “Niromi 2009 versus Niromi Tigress 2011,” 22 December 2011, […]

By: Niromi De Soyza’s Message to the Australian, at Adelaide Writers’ Week | Thuppahi's Blog Wed, 10 Apr 2013 10:25:45 +0000 […] she refers to encounters with both Indian and government troops. Again, one has to compare her initial 2009 newspaper account with the stories later. Unfortunately I was only led to the 2009 story AFTER I had written […]

By: Off the Cuff Sat, 14 Jan 2012 17:55:05 +0000 In reply to Ken.

Dear Ken,

I have seen all three articles by DBSJ. I respected him for his fearless critique even in the face of LTTE thuggery. But unfortunately, DBSJ is writing spin in defence of Niromi.

Here is an example.

Ask yourself the following questions.

Did DBSJ have First hand knowledge of the interview between Niromi and Thileepan to be able to write first person reports?
How could he have First Hand Knowledge without being present at the interview?

In English, Quotation marks are used WHEN YOU QUOTE SOMEONE WORD FOR WORD.

Did DBSJ HEAR what was discussed?
How does he make a VERBATIM report without being present?

Is DBSJ write what he writes with personal knowledge or is he presenting material by reading Niromi’s book and other sources without such personal knowledge?

It is easy to write spin to convince the gullible.

Extract from DBSJ

Persistent efforts to convince Murali finally paid off. Murali was now willing to let her join but wanted her to meet with Political commissar Thileepan before that.So “Sharmila” and Ajanthi went to the SOLT office in Thirunelvely for their historic meeting with Thileepan. The date was May 6th 1987.

After Thileepan arrived at the SOLT office the “interview” began. Both Murali and Thileepan interrogated the two “Chundikulippettaigal” intensively with many probing questions.Most of the queries were aimed at gauging their level of motivation and sense of commitment to the cause. At one stage Murali seemed convinced but not Thileepan.

Now Thileepan changed track. He started warning the girls about the difficulties and hardships they would face as LTTE trainees and cadres. He pointed out that both of them were from comparatively privileged upper middle class background and had had a delicate upbringing. “There wont be any servants to look after your needs or take care of you” he said. “You will have to look after yourself” . Speaking further Thileepan said that they wont be able to wear fashionable clothes, wont get to sleep on comfortable beds, not get good well-cooked food, may have to walk barefoot on hard ground etc. They will have to do many things they would not like , said Thileepan. He told them not to romanticize about guerilla life and to be prepared to undergo hardship and suffering.

End extract

You say “We are not here to defend the author, here the center of attention if the book Tamil tigress written by Niromi De Soyza. when the so called critics shifted from the book to the Author take the readers everywhere even in your article you mention the author of the book is “cunning schemer..etc” which not our focus”

The focus has always been about Niromi and her Truthfulness.
Not about the book as you say.

Did Niromi Lie?

That was our question all along.
The book was irrelevant only its Truthfulness mattered and was questioned.

How could Niromi fight the SL Army that was confined to Barracks 5 months before her December ambush by an Inter govt agreement? It was IMPOSSIBLE. In that case Niromi was Lying.

Read this post and listen to an hour long Interview with Niromi herself. She tells us who the “government forces” are in her own voice.


Her mother is Indian Tamil.
Half the Tamil population in Lanka are Indian Tamils.
ALL of them Live in the South amongst the Sinhalese.
About half the Lanka Tamils live in the South amongst the Sinhalese.

This means about 75% of the Tamil population of Lanka live in the South with the Sinhalese.

How then can Niromi claim that in Lanka Tamils predominantly live in the North and East when the opposite is True?

That is another Proven Lie of Niromi.
Is she not a Cunning Schemer?
Can you disprove it?

By: Ken Sat, 31 Dec 2011 21:21:20 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

Dear Off the cuff,

I do not want to give a detail explanation rather giving you with the reference of the today’s article in one of the web portals address most of the questions posted

We are not here to defend the author, here the center of attention if the book Tamil tigress written by Niromi De Soyza. when the so called critics shifted from the book to the Author take the readers everywhere even in your article you mention the author of the book is “cunning schemer..etc” which not our focus.

We readers clearly understand that most of the so called critics fighting for the missing word ” Indian” in the … Government soldiers and continue with all sort of assumptions to support their claims. Interestingly Michael Robert never lived in Jaffna. I lived contemporary to the author of the book Jaffna and understand the entire book with the right context.

By: Off the Cuff Fri, 30 Dec 2011 18:07:07 +0000 Dear Arun, Ken, A Jeevan- melbourn, RSV, Tammy, Kumaran, Rohan, Many and any others who write in defence of Niromi

Some of you are trying to defend a Lie by murdering the context of normal English usage.

The Achilles Heel of Niromi’s book is her claim to have fought “Government troops” at a time The SL Govt troops were confined to Barracks under the Indo Lanka Peace Accord.

We do have imbecile attempts to portray that when Niromi refers to govt troops she meant Indian Govt troops.

Both, Niromi herself and her publisher Alan and Unwin contradicts that.

Niromi the Tamil Tigress says in her Daily Telegraph account in 2009

“The war resumed, just as Prabhakaran had predicted, though now we were fighting not only the government troops but the peacekeepers, too”

If you can understand English, there are TWO entities referred to by Niromi

1. Government Troops
2. Peacekeepers

Could you please tell us who these TWO entities are without being irrational?

Allan and Unwin states,

A well-educated, middle-class seventeen-year-old, Niromi decided, in a fit of righteous anger and teenage idealism, to defend her rights and the lives of her friends and neighbours. Along with her lifelong friend, Ajanthi, she joined the Tamil Tigers and found herself part of a small platoon of young girls. In 1987, just two days before Christmas, this platoon came under heavy fire in a ruthless ambush by the Sri Lankan Army.

Who is Lying? Alan and Unwin, Niromi or the imbeciles trying to say that Niromi meant the Indian Govt? Obviously ALL of them are Lying.

Neither DBS Jayaraj nor God Himself can refute Michael Roberts, without answering how Niromi alias Tamil Tigress fought Sri Lankan Govt Troops that were CONFINED TO BARRACKS under the Indo Lanka Agreement that resulted in Rajiv Gandhi being assaulted by a disillusioned Naval Rating.

Can you or DBSJ or ANYONE enlighten the GV readership how this miracle was performed?

There are other imbecile attempts to portray Niromi the Tamil Tigress as a young woman who in her innocence had made an inadvertent mistake.

Unfortunately for those who take that path, Niromi published the book when in her Forties and she herself claim to be an University Graduate qualifying amongst other things, in Law, in the promotional video by Allen and Unwin the publisher of Tamil Tigress.

She is neither “Innocent” nor naïve. She is more like a cunning schemer.

Niromi’s declared objective was to create public sympathy for illegal Tamil immigrants to Australia. This explains the anger of those rushing to defend a proven Liar whose LTTE ideology has not ebbed despite her professed disillusionment.

That anger is directed at Prof Roberts (and anyone who supports him), who was instrumental in the Public Exposure, of the lies and spoiling the attempted deception of the Australian and World public.

By: David Blacker Thu, 29 Dec 2011 05:19:59 +0000 In reply to Lindsay.

The debate isn’t on who the Tigers were opposed to, but who they were fighting. They most certainly weren’t fighting SL government troops. It would be good if you don’t further muddy the waters by introducing words that neither the reviewers nor the books author have used.

By: Hikz Thu, 29 Dec 2011 04:56:43 +0000 In reply to Lindsay.

So “being opposed to the government” = fighting government troops? Interesting perspective but probably wrong, I suspect.

By: RSV Thu, 29 Dec 2011 00:29:19 +0000 In reply to Lindsay.

Maybe you should read the book; it describes exactly who she was fighting.

So Michael Roberts’ logic has it that while the Tigers were fighting the IPKF, they were no longer opposed to the SL government. Interesting perspective but probably wrong, I suspect.

By: Many Wed, 28 Dec 2011 20:10:53 +0000 I am with you on the first statement you made. All the DBS Jeyarajah’s article lead us and confirmed she is real.

Do you want another article in GV about whom she was fighting against in December 1987?

here the answer from Nag A. Nanthi’s comment

… ” Suppose in her manuscript she wrote: “…Soyza found herself in an ambush as part of a small platoon of militant Tamil Tigers fighting Indian government forces in a bloody civil war…” and an editor deleted the word “Indian” without knowing the significance, everything would be fine, wouldn’t it?”

Do you want additional article about her names?

Think about the Niromi who is an average appearance, married with two children, with the wrong mind set proud of living in the North shore ( Nothern Suburb)and proud of herself of isolation from her own community over decade , Why are we giving such an importance to this woman who does not even identify herself with her own community ?
It is clear Niromi knows how to twist media’s arms by all means to get attention for own sake, which many of the migrants specially people who came to Australia like Niromi under student visa and claimed asylum do not know.

Karuna and KP can tell more stories including many romantic stories than a woman who was with the LTTE for only one year. with the amount of money they Karuna and KP can write a romantic novel which will be much superior than Niromi de Soyza one.

LTTE is no more there. Still the minority live naked. lot of things to focus than Niromi.Let’s Talk about LLRC, its recommendations and how they can be implemented as quickly and durably as possible.Other discussions (eg Niromi….) can and must wait…

By: David Saminathan Wed, 28 Dec 2011 06:30:11 +0000 The differences between Groundviews and DBSJ’s Tamilweek are many. In Tamilweek DBS Jeyaraj is the sole writer and sole editor and the sole censor of feed backs. In ground views Michael Roberts and Sarvananthan after publishing their articles have no controls over the editing of feedbacks. DBSJ allows only sycophantic comments whereas Sanjana and Nigel following great traditions of Journalism allow every comments. Therefore Roberts and Sarvananthan are demonised and villified in Tamilweek to epical proportions.
