Comments on: Exclusive video: Parliamentary debate and objections to 18th Amendment Journalism for Citizens Wed, 29 Aug 2012 12:09:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: walter Wed, 29 Aug 2012 12:09:47 +0000 To ordinary citizens like me the 18th.Amendment has not made any serious impact, excepting to note that My Country, My fellow citizens could be so oblivious to allow the passage of this bill. All we know is that Mahinda Rajapakse has been made King of Sri Lanka, without a crown.
This is not surprising given the mentality and the thinking capacity of the Sri Lankan Nation as a whole, and in particular the Sinhala Buddhist’s who are his subjects and voters, with around 11 million voters out of a total of 14 million.
Earlier we had a democratic dictatorship now a Democratic Kingship has been thrust down our throats.

By: Groundviews Sun, 12 Jun 2011 01:13:58 +0000 “The timeline… reflects both the genesis of the heinous 18th Amendment and also the occasions mainstream press reported that the President attended / “visited” Parliament.

It was no easy task to compile this. Only a handful ordinary citizens would have the expertise to search for this information online, or elsewhere. There is no easy record retrieval of the President’s attendance in Parliament on its official website. But what is immediately obvious when the scattered media reports are taken as a whole is that the 18th Amendment has in no way at all contributed to a more accountable Executive. ”

Excerpt from ‘Months after the 18th Amendment: Is the Executive really more accountable to Parliament?’,
