Comments on: Sri Lankan government admitted to the proctology ward of General Hospital Journalism for Citizens Thu, 19 Feb 2009 23:21:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: just-in Thu, 19 Feb 2009 23:21:22 +0000 In reply to sivanandan.

MIA rap concert – featuring sivanandan?!

By: sivanandan Tue, 17 Feb 2009 23:41:15 +0000 Dr Des Browne down with “down” syndrome, drowning at Downing St with no straw (Jack) to clutch and no Bush to rush, oops with no “ups”!! Only with hic-cups after the recession
Excessive Keith faith opted Browne to operate, Sri-lankans in a euphoria affected with euro-phobia believe only in foreign surgical instruments and crude home surgeries with the local army, who after capturing Elephant Pass are even capable of performing By Passes with their local Top Brasses and “Basses” besides we have the panacea for Pan-Asian woes. No scandalous Scandinavian scans or western mediation needed to facilitate operation, elementary problem, the urgency of eliminating foreign bodies increasing insurgency malignancy in the alimentary canal already done, sympathetic and symbiotic citizens are being dealt with now, the ICRC sorry IRC’s will be cornered soon. We can hear the distant gun salutes at the port of anus but rear admiral bog is yet to arrive!!

For devastation and destruction no western countries are needed only for colon-isation re construction and rehabilitation the donor countries aid is solicited

By: Java Jones Tue, 17 Feb 2009 11:55:07 +0000 No shit!

By: Shyam Dissanayake Tue, 17 Feb 2009 09:36:19 +0000 The acute abdominal dysfunction was there for over 25 years; diagnosed correctly as a malign tumour introduced by a neighbour. Various treatments were interfered with by the said neighbour and later, other western parties with vested interests, and as a result, were unsuccessful. When such interfering parties were infected with the same malignant agent, they understood that the proper course of treatment involved radical surgery; removal of the malignancy before it spread to other parts of the body. Still, there are others who do not want the patient to be fit and healthy. These are the people who try to poke their fingers into all available orifices to pull out as many plums as possible and somehow stop the removal of the tumour that is now shrunk to less than fifteen times its original size due to proper military therapy. It is reported that, their inability to interfere has made these individuals, organizations and nations poke fingers into their own orifices, resulting in severe cases of bleeding hameorroids.

By: sivanandan Tue, 17 Feb 2009 04:49:26 +0000 Des Browne down at Downing St. with reflux, unable to swallow the "Guli" a little tiger balm will be more soothing or an Obama black magic as Bush is no more to rush. Excision of the infected region at the inception would have averted all the carnage and cat-astrophy.Pathetic pathology report is that the carcinogenic concentration has spread even outside the shores of Sri-Lanka, the severed umbilical code is also causing naval problems.
Mother Lanka's appendix annexures and charters are also in tatters.Surgical operation however is successful but patient???
