
Surviving In Wilderness

Photo courtesy of Al Jazeera

The Wheat Flour Massacre sprayed blood on flour sacks,

on February 29. A Leap Day for a Leap Year, 2024. But

112 dead Palestinians are no longer leaping for flour. They


are lying on the street shot by tank operators, snipers,

infantry. The UN Secretary General deplores the killing,

calls again for a ceasefire and release of the Israeli hostages.


Three Security Council resolutions calling for a ceasefire

have been vetoed thus far by the United States. Not

everybody is leaping to conclusions. Some are saying


that the US is the only power working behind the scenes

(of carnage) able to stop carnage we see in still shots

because the massacre took place before dawn, and


most journalists have already been slaughtered,

and foreign ones did not accompany the tanks,

snipers and infantry who barrelled bullets into


the hungry crowd seeking flour for their families,

kids eating animal feed, pregnant mothers, emaciated,

who give birth to babies unable to survive in the wild.

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