
A New Map

Photo courtesy of The New York Times

He resigned by email. Was there an electronic

signature made possible by DocuSign? Will

that stand up before the court of history,

of public opinion? Did the email come


from his private account, or one created

just for sending this message? I have many

questions. Is there a way to verify the signature?

A camera capturing the moment? Key strokes?


But I am obsessing about a red herring.

The email arrived, and the Speaker of

Parliament takes it for a genuine message

from the now former president. So what next?


Where are we going, Sri Lanka? Please

leave the new public museums out of

the question. The government can set up

shop elsewhere. Maybe in Jaffna? That


would give an economic push to the long-

suffering Tamils. Or in Batticaloa,

to do the same for the ethnic mix

on the East Coast? You think


I am speaking lightly of stately matters?

We need new think in geography,

about history, and about the future.

We need it now.

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