Comments on: Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka: Lessons So Far and the Long Road Ahead Journalism for Citizens Thu, 12 Jan 2017 17:48:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: puniselva Thu, 12 Jan 2017 17:48:00 +0000 Tamils are ever grateful to people like Bhavani for their tireless work towards peace and prosperity of Sri Lanka.
But ‘National Integration and Reconciliation Week’ must not simply be ”followed by action” but actually be replaced by action not only because we have only so much of time and so much of natural resources but also because such actions of successive governments have been stupefying the citizens without ”long-term reforms targeting broader structural issues.”
It is horrifying to find that ONUR can only do “Sahodara Paasal / Paadasalai” Initiative(with Sinhala name?) and Sri Lankan Shared Values Campaign but nothing about the twisted history in school textbboks going on for decades.
ONUR should appeal to the cabinet of ministers if the Ministry of Education is turning deaf ears(I was told so when I went up to ONUR): t
It must be noted that one Sinhalese school teacher showed the audience such a textbook two months back at the Arts for Reconciliation Festival supported by ONUR and held at BMICH with lavish funding from EU.
The government must start translating UN reports on Sri Lanka into Sinhala and Tamil and start implementing them to reduce injustice and to increase equality to the ethnic minorities if it genuinely desires peace and prosperity for all which alone can lead to reconciliation.
