Comments on: Tribute to Justice Weeramantry: A world free of war, hate and prejudice Journalism for Citizens Wed, 11 Jan 2017 09:27:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: puniselva Wed, 11 Jan 2017 09:27:00 +0000 Very many thanks to the author for writing this.
Hope this will be translated into Tamil and Sinhala.
All our teachers and lawyers must read this for the benefit of all the other citizens. That means all our parliamentarians need to know this:
”What is lacking is a general awareness on the part of the people of the world of the importance and potential of international law as this is a grossly neglected subject in all educational curricula. ‘This is what I am striving to remedy, because a citizenry who are aware of the importance of international law will not allow their leaders to flaunt it as they currently do”
The great judge touched on this in his submission(there is much more that needs be learnt by all citizens and their representatives) to LLRC:
(this was most fortunately copied from LLRC website the day before it was taken off. when i went back the following day it was gone. Groundviews has only one part of this in its archives )
