Comments on: Post Mortem: The ‘ethics’ of assault Journalism for Citizens Thu, 22 Dec 2016 01:45:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: ranjith chandrasekera Thu, 22 Dec 2016 01:45:00 +0000 The Navy commander violated human rights and took the law in to his own hand. He has no right to assault the Journalist and it is clearly visible in the video that he assaulting the journalist and shouting in utter filth. This does not fit for a Commander of the Navy or for that matter any respectable person. Do we have a discipline navy in Sri Lanka when the commander behave in such a manner. Raising the hand against another person amount to assault and is a criminal offence. The good governance should take action against the Navy commander and he should be stood down from his post. He acted as a thug sent by PM to control the situation. This is disgraceful to the entire Navy. One must command by example and not the way Navy the commander behaved. He should be arrested and tried before criminal justice system. He showed his power in the presence of his soldiers otherwise he would tucked his tuck his tail between the legs and runway from the scene. What a cowered he is. Shame on you Navy commander you discredited the entire Navy and Sri Lanka, in front of rest of the world.
