Comments on: Yahapalanaya in Sri Lanka: Remains of the Day Journalism for Citizens Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:58:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: srivan Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:58:00 +0000 Politicians keep being n power while “people” or shall we say “citizens” if this word is at all appropriate in the local context are left to fend for themselves and pick up the crumbs from what falls from the ever changing “governance” table. Honesty is a bad word and so is the lot of the citizens thus far. 70 + years of “independence” has been squandered away a the altar of political trickery. The real loss to the citizens is far, far more than the $ 200 billions spent on killing its own citizens over the last 4 + decades! Even hope has been extinguished!

By: Gabriel Gibson Thu, 08 Dec 2016 10:48:00 +0000 brilliant article…brilliant analysis…it should be handed over to Temple Trees

By: Java Jones Wed, 07 Dec 2016 05:29:00 +0000 A brilliant and succinct analysis of the current administration.

The first paragraph does it in a nutshell and the last paragraph gives us some hope!

What a disappointment to all of us who voted for these bozos in the hope that some vestige of decency would follow the abysmal rule of the Rajapakses!

By: puniselva Tue, 06 Dec 2016 05:08:00 +0000 One would have thought #GV10 would be supporting #SDGs of SriLankan Good Governance. But alas, it has to support ”Good Governance” from slipping down the slope.
#GV20 may be upon us when some others would have seen advances in #SDGs.

By: Fitzpatrick Mon, 05 Dec 2016 18:18:00 +0000 Colin Powell, the former Sec. of State of the USA had the following (in an hacked email) to say of Hilary Clinton:

“Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.”

I think these words are equally applicable to our PM. Ranil was born with a silver spoon and rose within the UNP thanks to his uncle JRJ. But multiple stints as PM and has nothing to show for it. (Many of Hilary’s supporters are also unable to show any concrete results she achieved as first lady, senator or Sec. of State)

We we will be still languishing under the previous regime if not for the CBK and Rev. Sobitha’s master stroke of bringing together the opposition under one umbrella.

Unfortunately, many media personalities seem to hold a candle for his “abilities”. Recently Ms. Dharisha Bastians calling him “An astute political analyst” (13th October 2016 Financial Times).

Heaven save us if we think he is going to deliver ! History says otherwise !
