Comments on: Trigger Warning Journalism for Citizens Thu, 10 Nov 2016 15:36:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fitzpatrick Thu, 10 Nov 2016 15:36:00 +0000 Your opening line
“America just chose a rapist to be their president.”

I don’t remember a conviction, do you? If you do, then please show me the proof, I would love to be educated ! If not, then it we stick to
“innocent until proven guilty”

Unlike Hilary’s husband who perjured himself to hide his sexual escapades in the Oval Office !!!

If not, then you are simply like the NY City base media who sang Hilary’s praises and predicted 99% probability of her winning and then express “shock” when defeated.
Kind of similar to Colombo based media’s “shock” at the continuing support seen for MR ?

Talking of sexual assault, Hilary went on to attack woman who accused her husband of sexual abuse. Is she an “enabler” ?
