Comments on: Sexism is on the rise Journalism for Citizens Sun, 09 Oct 2016 10:04:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ying Yang Sun, 09 Oct 2016 10:04:00 +0000 In reply to Upali Wickramasinghe.

Dear Upali,
Surely, we have come along way since your school days 65 years ago with Rs. 10.00 worth of “enticements”. But what is written in this article is in fact a very real issue and very overtly operative in a culture of oppression, especially towards women. This is not about teachers enticing young boys for sex. In fact, look at the amount of sex related crimes against both male and female students as well as teachers at the hands of fellow male teachers and school principals. What do you say to that? Does that not show that we have rising levels of sex related crimes committed within the parameters of the very institutions that protect and promote educational, cultural and religious ideas of “morality”? that these grave issues are not adequately addressed within those institutions? Instead of blaming the “unknown” and the “uncomfortable” problems in society on women’s bodies, how about we educate our boys on how to cope with and responsibly handle their changing bodies at a very crucial time of their lives and also teach them to respect theirs and others’ bodies too? What these schools are inadvertently doing is, at an institutional level, they are telling their boys that restriction of women’s bodies and their basic rights are okay. That the problem wholly and without reservation should be dumped on women. Isn’t that exactly how violence against women are justified? That women “deserve it” because they “asked for it” by wearing the wrong thing and behaving in the wrong manner – in essence as punishment for not complying with norms? Don’t we have a really warped sense of how sex, seduction and intimacy should be experienced by men and women? a clearly divided practice on how men and women should govern their own bodies? We allow boys to heckle women in public – verbally, physically and emotionally – as long as it is justified under the “boys will be boys” excuse, but go the extra mile to sanction women, their own mothers, for their attire! How is that not sexism, sir?

By: Upali Wickramasinghe Sat, 17 Sep 2016 14:34:00 +0000 It is not sexism. These schools have matured boys and it is save them that this is imposed.During my school days ie about 65 years ago, there were rumors of some middle aged women, names were mentioned – no secret among the boys- enticing young men for payment. the sum Rs 10.00 per performance, a princely sum then.

There are news items in the internet of female teachers inducing their male students, some had been disciplined.

It has nothing to do with sexism.You are giving an interpretations which is an excuse.
