Comments on: Black July, Government promises and our future Journalism for Citizens Thu, 28 Jul 2016 18:21:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Srivan Thu, 28 Jul 2016 18:21:00 +0000 The ethno-religious riot or pogrom is a blot on the country and its political leadership. Basically such blatant discrimination is the handmaid of winning elections-the ultimate political goal! Certain political leaders notably the late Sir John Kotelawela stood tall in standing up for two official languages before Sept. 1956 but was defeated in the 1956 elections by the late SWRDB who championed Sinhala Only but realising he had to also make Tamil Also as an official language went ahead and what happened to him in 1958 is history. It is 58 years since then but far worse events have followed but the lessons are yet to be fully acknowledged and acted upon in good faith at least for a better tomorrow. Human nature can sometimes be very frail indeed.

By: Burt Thu, 28 Jul 2016 05:54:00 +0000 Nothing has changed in thirty three years.
Military personnel accused of slaughtering women and children walk free.

“The deceased were ,

1. Subiah Savirajah, 76, Kinnan Kovinthan, 72, Sivakkolunthu Sinnadurai, 56, Vadivelu Nadarajah, 22, Sundaralingam Luxmy, 35, Arunasalam Kamaladevy, 35, Alahuthurai Parames, 30, Subramaniam Pakkiyam, 30, Arumaithurai Vallipillai, 28, Selladurai Pakkiyam, 26, Anandan Annamah, 26, Thurairajah Karunakaran, 15, Arumaidurai Santhyaluxmy, 15, Kanakarajah Subashinirajah, 15, Vinayakamoorthy Suthaharan, 14, Ramajeyam Kamaleswari, 13, Thangavel Kala, 12, Shanmuganathan Nizandan, 11, Sundaralingam Pirabaharan, 11, Amirthalingam Rasanighandi, 10, Theepan Patiny young, 9, Sivapakiyam Thiraiyampan, 6, Pakkkiyarajah Vasanthini, 6 and Sundaralingam Subasini, 3.”
This gives clear reason to emphasise the requirement for foreign judges.

By: N.Sarveswaramoorthy Wed, 27 Jul 2016 05:37:00 +0000 Who is going to conduct next riots in SL?

Two master minders from 1956 have gone?

By: Real_Peace Wed, 27 Jul 2016 03:55:00 +0000 well written thoughts – will take a while to absorb and Act accordingly…

When I clicked on your 2nd link reference – I got this:
Sri Lankan president offers empty apology for 1983 pogrom
By Sarath Kumara
6 August 2004
When the Sri Lankan ruling elite starts to speak about honesty, it is always laced with a heavy dose of hypocrisy. That is certainly the case with President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s recent public “apology”
