Comments on: White Vans and unlawful detention under the PTA Journalism for Citizens Mon, 11 Oct 2021 03:50:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anony Thu, 09 Jun 2016 19:34:00 +0000 Based on some of the comments, one other issue that I come to note is that our Sinhala brothers and sisters fail to accept the ground reality with respect to the plight of Tamils and even some poor Sinhalese. When the general public shows apathy or fail to look at situations from the vantage point of the affected real change is going to be at a snail pace if any. Pretty tragic indeed!

By: M.C.M. Iqbal Thu, 09 Jun 2016 05:27:00 +0000 My comment relates to the following statement in the article “In this context it is welcome that the Human Right Commission of Sri Lanka has issued directives on arrest and detention under the PTA.”
Readers need to note that a recommendation regarding this matter had been made by the Zonal Commissions on Disappearances of Persons, as early as in the mid 1990s and re-iterated by the All Island Commission in its Final Report at page 22 where the Commission had pointed out that a directive issued by the then President of Sri Lanka to the heads of the armed forces and the Police in on 21th July, 1997 was being followed in the breach. A copy of the directive by the President with detailed instructions relating to the need to inform many authorities including the relatives of the person arrested, is attached to the Report (see annex XVI).
This directive continues to be disregarded by the Police and the armed forces, perhaps because there is no penal provision in the directive and the successive governments have not been keen to ensure compliance.
So the current directive issued by the HRC in this connection is nothing new and would perhaps suffer the same fate that befell the directive of the President in 1997.

By: Justin Tue, 07 Jun 2016 12:02:00 +0000 Peace is not absence of war but determinjation and commitment to have a relationship of goodness, kindness and love with people.

A war does not determine who is right.

Without Truth and reconcilation, there is no assurance of Peace.

Reconciliation is only between the offender and the offended.

Reconciliation is a process whereby the offender either recognises his
offence voluntarily or is found guilty by a judicial process.

When the guilty offender, expresses remorsefulness at the 0ffence and
asks for forgiveness from the offended, and when the offended person
agrees to forgive the offence and the offended, reconciliation is
complete and the animosity ceases to exist; resulting in healing,
restoration and peace.

Blame game by political parties could be an attempt to reconcile good
and evil done between them. But it is not ethnic reconciliation.

Ethnic reconciliation is simply between the offended Tamils and the
Sinhalese who caused the offence. It does not involve multiple laws.

Peace is absent because true reconciliation is absent.

By: Real_Peace Sun, 05 Jun 2016 15:41:00 +0000 In reply to Marisa.

Thank you Marisa for the response. This is a powerful article – is it possible for you to ask your readers(or tweet) to add LINK to this in the Wikipedia article on Disappearances?
Here is link;

Since you are already doing so much, I was hesitant to ask you. Thanks.

By: Gajen Sun, 05 Jun 2016 08:05:00 +0000 In reply to Sunanda Deshapriya.

Dear Mr. Deshapriya,

All three of the authors live in the peninsula and our work mostly covers the entire North and East. The documentation of Jeyanthan’s disappearance by TID personnel was carried out in the days after the incident. We were receiving near daily reports of abductions that month (a bigger report will be out soon I hope). The families we spoke to and the activists we work with had no idea what was happening. The North and East was in tenterhooks. The fear and tension was real, alive and palpable (and personally, I felt that it was no coincidence that the wave of abductions, arrests and disappearances occurred in the run up to May 18). I understand it is easy and convenient for some of us to wish away these concerns when we are not faced with them, or when they don’t make themselves apparent on some scale in Colombo, or when we have vested interests i.e. privilege.

I certainly do not speak for the other two, but may I humbly suggest you re-check your privileges before calling our work fear mongering?

Thank you,


By: Marisa Sat, 04 Jun 2016 07:16:00 +0000 In reply to Sunanda Deshapriya.

No Sunanda, it’s not by any means a generalization. We’ve only highlighted one case as we were only able to contact one family. But, we’ve been speaking to lawyers who are handling many other cases, and are currently working on a follow-up articles citing at least 20 other confirmed cases of abduction/arbitrary arrest and unlawful detention. We are not in the habit of sensationalizing and generalizing. Just because things might seem to be better than under the Rajapaksa’s, don’t think that much has changed. The security apparatus and surveillance structure remains the same, just perhaps a bit more sophisticated and subtle. That’s actually more, if not, as dangerous, especially cos’ everyone, including many in civil society and the international community are giving this Govt. a wide margin for error, one that they were unwilling to give the Rajapaksa’s. So no, it’s not fear mongering, the fear is very real. And lastly, using the Rajapaksa regime as a yardstick is very, very problematic, cos’ then essentially what we’re saying is, that we’re ok with anything that is even minutely better (for want of a better word,) than the Rajapaksa’s. Is that actually all we want??? A wee bit better than the Rajapaksa’s??? Sorry, that’s not enough for me, and I’m sure as hell not going to go easy on this govt. because of it. They promised “change”. I plan on holding them to their promise.

By: Marisa Sat, 04 Jun 2016 07:05:00 +0000 In reply to Real_Peace.

Yes, they are still very much happening.

By: Sunanda Deshapriya Fri, 03 Jun 2016 17:15:00 +0000 Is this generalization right? ” Seven years following the war, the Tamil community, particularly from
the North and East, are still unable to live freely without fear of
abduction, arbitrary arrest and unlawful detention.” A kind of fear mongering, isn’t it? with one example writers write off every thing!

By: Real_Peace Fri, 03 Jun 2016 02:07:00 +0000 Arulingam/Marisa/Gajen/Groundviews,

So the whiteVan incidents are STILL happening?

My… damned if I do and damned if I don’t….
