Comments on: Eastern Province Chief Minister and Maximising Civilian Space Journalism for Citizens Wed, 08 Jun 2016 04:40:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tamil public officer Thu, 02 Jun 2016 01:32:00 +0000 Yes, “It is important that sane counsel prevails and a small incident be not blown out of proportion, in a manner detrimental to the national interest of post war reconciliation.” I believe that the event was premeditated by the Chief Minister not because of encroaching in to his powers by the Governor or unconstitutional behaviour of the Governor but due to an address by the Governor on 4th May in TCO where he showed his frustration of the planning and development process in the EP under the CM’s directions and discrimination of the affected Tamil people in the Province with facts and figures. I do not have a copy of the speech and it may be worth the while to get one from the Governor who is strictly silent on this, and publish. I am surprised why the Tamil politicians are silent. I think GV has close association with the Governor nad would propose you get the speech and publish.
