Comments on: The veil, ‘radicalisation’ and Lankan Muslims Journalism for Citizens Thu, 24 Mar 2016 10:10:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Justin Thu, 24 Mar 2016 10:10:00 +0000 In any religious matter, we should look with love, kindness, mercy and grace; bringing out the spiritual nature.

In the investigation of the suicide bomb incident at Brussels airport, in the waste bin of the suicide bomber, a note was found, which revealed that he was tired of running away and being hunted down and would like to end it.

Obviously, before taking a step to end his life, the bomber had two options. Firstly, to ask Allah or God what he should do. Secondly, to get spiritual counselling at the mosque.

Perhaps he did, but he decided to to kill himself and others; against the nature and character of Allah, which Muslims pronounce daily.

In SL, Muslims similarly face insecurity after BBS extremist attacks in Beruwala and other areas. Probably, women feel insecure, in a male dominated SL.

So, they express in articles, which is good for demopcracy.

But we should help them resolve their issues with love and reconciliation. They are our citizens.
