Comments on: Requiem for Morals and Ethics Journalism for Citizens Mon, 07 Mar 2016 08:43:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeyam Mon, 07 Mar 2016 08:43:00 +0000 Hats off to Sharmini Serasinghe A true depiction of our society.

By: Angela Mon, 07 Mar 2016 08:28:00 +0000 beautiful article

By: Raja Mahendran Fri, 26 Feb 2016 07:53:00 +0000 In reply to Renu.

Renu yes indeed Sharmini has identified the real issues facing the nation. Bankruptcy of morals because of the monks and ethics because of the journalists. So now what can be done?

How can we get monks to live Buddhist lives and uphold morals? Can this be enforced? If so by whom and how? Or this requires an internal cleansing and moral revolution by the monks themselves? But again how?

What about our journalists? Sure, they were living in fear in the past. But what is the hold up now? Why are they not openly questioning the government or the opposition? Why are they still frightened or shy to ask direct pointed questions from Mahinda Rajapakse? The former President is daily featured on TV and newspapers; more so than any Sri Lankan politician. Not even the PM or President is given that much publicity on a daily basis.

Why then our journalists when they have the golden opportune moment in the presence of the former President who talks now as the beacon of democracy and freedom of the press that these journalists are unable to open their mouths and remind the former President of life in Sri Lanka previously? Credit must be given to the former President who admits on TV and in newspapers that he made mistakes. This he does voluntarily and no thanks to our ethically bankrupt journalists. So what can be done to get journalists to be once again be the beacon of ethics? Or has this been lost forever?

By: puniselva Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:12:00 +0000 Sharmini,
Tthe picture complements the writing very well.

By: Renu Thu, 25 Feb 2016 06:25:00 +0000 An excellent expose and analysis once again Sharmini. Morals, ethics, common decency are sadly things of the past. Politics in Sri Lanka reached the ugliest, dirtiest and the worse ever under the last regime akin to Cauldron of the baser instincts of humanity. It is not just man and his brothers self-mythologizing each other but extended family, relations and loyalists too. They all took advantage of the country’s wealth and we will never know the extent. The politicians, Buddhist monks, their loyalists only saw rupee signs and how fast they can get rich & powerful. As a result, sadly even respect for journalism and journalists eroded & evaporated. They did not want to hear the truth instead it was easier to pay for cover ups and disappearing acts. Thankfully, under the present regime the journalists are gradually abandoning the fear factor that consumed them for so many years and reporting the truth as they know how because brave journalism should not be something of the past. It should be alive & kicking. As such, we need journalists like Sharmini Serasinghe to report the truth and also an unbiased version of the truth. Being a “Sinhala Buddhist” it is indeed very impressive of Mrs. Serasinghe to write this expose since Buddhist monks has no business in politics. Our leaders should not involve and integrate these monks in matters of governance. Instead they should be encouraged to be on the side of the common man protecting his rights and freedoms especially from rogue politicians no matter the race or religion. The Buddhist Temples should be safe havens to take refuge – a place of peace, quiet and meditation not evil and violence. They use Buddhism not as a way of life spreading Buddha’s teachings but rather to propagate racial violence when none should exist. In conclusion, I hope the government of Sri Lanka uses such exposes such as this not as a means to an end but rather to do right by the masses who elected them to office no matter their caste, creed, color, religion, orientation, ideology and political affiliation. The inevitability that they must bear in mind is that there will always be yet another election around the corner and they will need their vote to stay in power. Invariably, a point they tend to forget very easily. Therefore I do hope they do the right thing by the masses. Once you are an elected public official, all your decisions & actions must be based on the good of the citizenry and the country not on personal gain. Sadly, most of our politicians forget this basic element the very day they are elected.

Congratulations once again Sharmini and as a fellow Bridgetian, I am extremely proud. I also take this opportunity to wish you “good luck” in all your professional & personal endeavors.

By: Sunil Wed, 24 Feb 2016 01:56:00 +0000 What Sharmini says about the current state of the countries morals is spot on.Although there is an element of fascination with nostalgia when assessing the standards of morality or the lack of it in the days gone by there is no doubt that the standards nevertheless were far far above what we see today.As a matter of fact there is nothing now that justifies such a comparison.In fact we can only draw parallels of the legacies of the Rajapakse era with the likes of Pol Pots Cambodia,Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and more pertinently the Philippines of the Marcos Couple of yore.The decline of basic human values and morality we witnessed pre 8th Jan,2015 is mind boggling.Morality had collapsed lock,stock and barrel unfortunately with some Bhikkus like Gnassara leading the charge.If we fail to take serious note of what Sharmini is trying to point out and take immediate steps to reverse this trend the next calamity similar to the Rajapakse era is just around the corner. As a most venerated religious leader of our times points out
“Politics without Principles; Education without Character; Science without Humanity; and Commerce without Morality Are not only useless,But also positively Dangerous.”

By: Raja Mahendran Tue, 23 Feb 2016 04:23:00 +0000 A brilliant analysis by Sharmini Serasinghe on the real crisis facing the nation. Yes we are facing a bankruptcy of morals and ethics. Indeed clouds are over the nation when both the religious and the 4th estate turn a blind eye and or even be the cause of darkness. Yes morals and ethics sadly lacking. People are silenced by money from speaking out what they really feel. Thats sad! So good on Sharmini Serasinghe for being that bright light in this dark nation
