Comments on: Sinha Le Politics and Socio-cultural Persecution Journalism for Citizens Sun, 14 Feb 2016 09:28:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pandarappayaley Sun, 14 Feb 2016 09:28:00 +0000 well said

By: puniselva Sun, 14 Feb 2016 09:22:00 +0000 Rant on Kishani is soooo………………. despicable beyond words.
I can HEAR the gritting teeth, exploding heads/hearts, ……. of women, men, ……….
But then what else has been happening in Sri Lanka as regards women? children? minorities? most of the masses bombarded with illogic, immoral, unethical, ……. words and deeds of politicians ruling the Judiciary and the Police

By: puniselva Sun, 14 Feb 2016 08:54:00 +0000 ”The Independence Day celebrations commenced with the national anthem sung in Sinhala and concluded with the national anthem sung in Tamil. It was a first and a good first, a gesture of enormous symbolic significance, an unmistakable indication of the new government’s commitment to an inclusive, pluralist project of nation-building”:
very challenging job is out there in the North: the tip of the iceberg:

By: puniselva Sun, 14 Feb 2016 07:54:00 +0000 1.”Historically religion has often functioned as a destructive force”:
with the advanced knowledge of natural and social sciences, humane humans would underline their daily activities with the principles of any religion they practice and function well in a secular state.

2.”The Sinha Le insanity is dangerous. It needs to be countered, but not with laws or force, let alone violence, but with arguments. We have a battle to wage, but it must be waged in the terrain of ideas. We must meet their insanity with logic, their ravings with facts, their incitement to violence with appeals to reason”:
anyone would expect the Buddhist prelates do this instead of their telling UNHRC Chief what to do and tell our parliamentarians to pay heed to the recommendations of various entities of the UN, eg UPR – their recommendations to Sri Lanka in 2012 were the same as those in 2008!
Had they been doing this from 1948 or 1958 onwards the present state of our society would have been totally different – No Black July, No Black Friday, …….
