Comments on: An Open Letter to HRH Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein Journalism for Citizens Thu, 11 Feb 2016 15:50:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ellison Jayawardane Thu, 11 Feb 2016 15:50:00 +0000 I was born a Sinhala Buddhist and I became a Sri Lankan in July 1983 while helping a friend and 2 other Tamil families in Colombo.
I am very glad that you have brought the plight of several thousands of my fellow Sri Lankans “Old Refugees”, contradiction in terms; How can a Sri Lankan be a Refugee in His Own Country?
There is nobody, not Sampanthan or Vigs. are prepared to resettle 240,000 Sri Lankans who fled to India since 1983. Over 120,000 of them are still languishing in refugee camps. Some of them fled to Australia but the Indian & Sri Lankan Govts have connived Australia to return them as they were not genuine refugees.
I hope the Tamil Leaders will appeal to the UNRC to re-settle our Sri Lankans back in Sri Lanka.

By: Willa Thu, 11 Feb 2016 10:46:00 +0000 Karuna was bought over by the UNP when he went to Thailand to represnt LTTE talks. Karuna being the second in Command knew most of the secrets of LTTE.

When people are too greedy for money and power, they can even kill their mother.

Karuna did this to Tamil and Muslim people and caused disappearances, murders, war crimes and genocide

Karuna should be inquired, and the parliamentraians should be exposed.

By: Real_Peace Wed, 10 Feb 2016 04:19:00 +0000 Hilmy/Groundviews,

I watched the documentary Kattankudy by Kannan Arunsalam, who is a Tamil, about the massacre. I found the link in a Groundviews article.

According to this Wikipedia:
Colonel Karuna was… also implicated in the massacre of Muslims, including the Kattankudy and Erovar massacres in the eastern province.

“the British authorities have claimed that they have enough evidence to show that the Sri Lankan government was complicit in helping Karuna receive a diplomatic passport.[25]”

My Question: If Karuna (Vinagamoorthy) went against human principles to massacre an ethnic community, where is he now? Why are the successive regimes protecting him?

Second, long ago I heard a rumor he and a group of Youth were placed inserted into the Tamil rebels to ‘divide and rule’. Now, ‘connecting the dots above shouldn’t he be held accountable?
