Comments on: What’s missing out there? People or Politics? Journalism for Citizens Fri, 08 Jan 2016 02:20:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: srivanamoth Sun, 03 Jan 2016 17:54:00 +0000 Come to think of it, SL is not has been not a people’s democracy but a top down parliamentarian’s self-seeking set-up aimed at self-perpetuation. Until it is a bottom-up driven set-up with people at the centre to find solutions to their many problems for so long is it likely to remain a static meaningless conglomerate aimed at bettering only their own selves! This government is no better other than just marking time for fear that drastic changes may hurt their own future!

By: Kailas Pillai Mon, 28 Dec 2015 03:29:00 +0000 There are words in every language which do not have an equivalent word in another language. What is ‘peravai’ in English? Front or platform is near enough. But does it matter? The important question is: Why form TMP? Answer: This is yet another sign of disillusionment.

The title question is ”What is missing out there?” Answer is “Sincerity”. From who? GoSL of course.

By: srivanamoth Sat, 26 Dec 2015 19:43:00 +0000 All these gimmicks about “peravai” (or “paravai” (birds!) is a copy cat version of what the Sinhala political parties have been doing from the south and the north since independence to keep their seats ‘warm’ until the next election! To be precise, it is too much to expect political ‘dregs’ who are only interested in self-preservation, and lining of pockets on the part of many, by keeping the “people” on tenterhooks for ever! Enter India and the US and the problems get multiplied n-fold while the main attention is focussed on the “military” and joint military exercises and export/import of arms and armaments, training and joint military exercises to please con agents while SL goes down the drain even further and further! The next big event seems to be the road link with India via Adams Bridge to connect the island with Mother India! May all beings be happy, if only they are a bit more wise!!!

By: Kailas Pillai Sat, 26 Dec 2015 17:48:00 +0000 In reply to n. ethirveerasingam.

The Hirunika incident (more to come) is just her way of sending the message to Hiran Yattowita “Do not tell me what to do and in particular what NOT to do”. There was no Premachandra Peravai behind it

By: Agnos Sat, 26 Dec 2015 07:22:00 +0000 Kusal,

You are right that the ITAK leadership trusted MS-Ranil-CBK too much and gave many verbal assurances to the people on prisoner release, resettlement, release of HSZ lands, etc., which they couldn’t keep. That gives an opportunity for others to say ‘we told you so!, never trust any Sinhalese regime.’ But I think TMP is more likely to be a pressure group drawn from multiple personalities and parties, and not likely to be a pure political party focused on elections. It could also be a pre-emptive measure by CVW and his backers in the face of reported plans by the TNA to sack CVW from the party and ask him to relinquish the chief ministership.

I think both Sumanthiran-Senathirajah-Sampanthan loyalists as well as CVW loyalists should give some time to the current regime, say till March, to show significant progress on the issues where TNA trusted MS/Ranil and made promises, and if no progress is shown by then, lead a public agitation campaign of the people with the help of supportive groups among the Sinhalese. In this, the TMP can act as a backstop to TNA’s colombo-based politicians getting too comfy with the new regime’s personalities and their excuses, and forgetting their promises to the people. The TMP’s formation should help the TNA to remind MS-Ranil-CBK as well as India that they have to act fast on the problems faced by the Tamil people. If no progress is shown within the next 3 months or so, then the TNA will have to fear the TMP becoming a major force in Tamil politics.

By: n. ethirveerasingam Fri, 25 Dec 2015 13:41:00 +0000 Kusul,
TNA or ITAK as you suggest are concerned with politicking, parliament and election the next time around. I guess that is the Norm of political parties in SL. TNA which is now really ITAK does not have citizen’s committees in rehabilitation, reconstruction, development, political solution etc etc. If they do it is not public and I had not seen a public invitation. Such decisions are not devolved and no democratic concensus. Manifestos are made and they say they are elected on the manifesto. That they assume is good enough answer that the public should accept.

Even if that was correct, I am yet to see the manifesto of ITAK.TNA articulated in a practicable form. I am yet to see a detail political solution on paper put up by ITAK or any other parties in and out of TNA. May be they have But it is not published for the Tamil people to give them a feedback.

Thamil Makkal Peravai is really a Peravai. To call it Thamil Makkal’s Peravai the Thamil Makkal should have elected them. It is a Peravai of a preselected group of like minded persons who are Tamils. When every Tamil is invited to join it, then one could call it Thamil Makkal Peravai.

Tamils and Sinhalese talk about democracy, but there is very little democracy except there are elections now and then for this that and the other. Look at that Hirunika’s actions and her attempt to justify her and her goons abducting a person, hold him against his will. Why is she not arrested and charged and her party suspend her till the court case is over?

We are a feudal society with a tattered veil of democracy. When will we ever learn and change?

By: puniselva Fri, 25 Dec 2015 06:41:00 +0000 Kusal
Christmas gift very much appreciated.

By: karl Thu, 24 Dec 2015 22:25:00 +0000 “PERAVAI” means BIG +Council
