Comments on: Reconsidering Colombo and Sri Lanka’s Political Rollercoaster Journalism for Citizens Thu, 24 Dec 2015 21:38:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kailas Pillai Thu, 24 Dec 2015 21:38:00 +0000 Taylor’s first visit to Sri Lanka was in 2011 and he muses. Further back there was a time when the people of the then Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) were Ceylonese (now Sri Lankans). But today we are Aryans or others and one of Sinhalese, Tamil or Muslim together with one of Buddhist, Hindu, Islamist or Christian. Politicians have lived off the ethnic/language divide. There was a time when the people took justice for granted. There was a time when appointments were on merit. All these are gone and unfortunately the new generation take corruption for granted.

Is racism a thing of the past? No last week a British family was denied a dream trip to Disneyland because they were Muslims. Australia cancelled the visa of a British lady because she was born in Syria – she had lived in UK since she was four.
In Sri Lanka since independence in 1948, the ethnic divide is hard currency. Inflation proofed, it can be resurrected at the right time – oxymoronic!

By: srivanamoth Wed, 23 Dec 2015 21:42:00 +0000 You are NOT alone in your musings! Incidentally, have you tried egg hoppers and plain hoppers with “seeni sambol”, a bit more expensive than bread and pol sambol, if your purse permits, an then you may realise it is “paradise food”! Happy X’mas and a more wonderful New Year!
