Comments on: Prophet Muhammad and his Message Journalism for Citizens Tue, 22 Dec 2015 09:59:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Spiritual Man Tue, 22 Dec 2015 09:59:00 +0000 I read the article. I would like to clarify the following matters from the writer;

1) “If there is no god except Allah and Mohamed is his apostle” was God silent without relating to his created people till about 600 years after the birth of Christ, when Mohamed was born? By saying during birth and death of a person, does the dead or born person receive anything spiritual? Truth always stands and does not have to be brainwashed while calling for prayers.

2.Mercy and compassion are good human values. If Allah really said “my mercy encompasses all things” why do brutal acts of cutting of hand, stoning to death, crucifixion, and cutting off heads of Christians done in Islamic countries? Why was mercy and compassion not shown to refugees from Syria?

3. If Allah forgives all sins, without any atonement or repentence, why is sin a source for punishment in Islam?

Saying a spiritual truth is one thing, but doing it only uplifts the spirituality of a person

By: Jayalath Sat, 12 Dec 2015 08:04:00 +0000 Very well, well done mate . I hope there should be a way to remind people about truth of religions,because there are many people distort the truth. We must not leave a room for the extremism in the name of religion . We must refuse religious extremism and leave a space to political extremism ,unless there is no any other system to address political ANIMALS like Sri Lankan .
