Comments on: The Leaders of this Country and a Nameless Dying Woman Journalism for Citizens Fri, 04 Dec 2015 22:49:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jayalath Fri, 04 Dec 2015 22:49:00 +0000 It is very sad and appalling to hear what will happen to this lady who has in charge of stone to death . I hope that some efforts have taken place right now would occur to save her life from the death penalty.
I remember that many times that many people were speaking about sending women to slavery in the middle during the political debates took place before the elections. In there once exposed nearly 450 corpses arrived in Sri Lanka only on 2014 which I heard on Tv. So, almost all the corpses have arrived from Middle East ,and there are proofs of nothing has been reported of dying or murdering for being working and living in Europe and Usa or Australia and newzeland too. Therefore,it indicates how much barbaric are the Arabs . They are very little diffident to animals ,yet why our mothers and sisters going there ? Do you think that they not know about the behaviour of Arabs ? They know about them ,still our ladies have no alternative, probably them may think, it is better go and work in there rather starving here . So, in there point of view it is fair and reasonable to take a chance and go .
Astonishingly those Arabs are supposed to be five times prayers and coming from holly territories ,but there law and behaviour is equal to Stone Age and barbarism
