Comments on: THE VISION THING: WHAT KIND OF COUNTRY ARE WE VOTING FOR? Journalism for Citizens Mon, 10 Aug 2015 09:50:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jayalath Mon, 10 Aug 2015 09:50:00 +0000 It is very worrying and appalling about what could authentically happen after the next election . I can see that many medias and intellectuals emphasise of regaining and strengthening the victory of jan 9th . I have no objection of accepting or admiring any kind of benefit to the country or country men by any kind of reforms , and also by any kind of party or people .but Asanga is weighing his opinion toward a party who ruled for 17 years in the past and literally they created almost all the problems we face today and tomorrow .this is what upset me . There is nothing more than I can understand in your article except its wish to bring back Unp regime which is very clear. So, my question is what made you to believe that Unp will not be corrupted and also will not be robbed us again as they did in the past if they elected . ???
And why don’t you think that the Jvp is the only party can be trust at this moment in politics and you must support that lot rather than Unp and pa ?

By: puniselva Thu, 06 Aug 2015 03:40:00 +0000 As a teacher I’m compelled to say that this is a model lesson.

By: puniselva Thu, 06 Aug 2015 02:13:00 +0000 Convoluted politics in Sri Lanka makes explanation of this sort essential for the benefit of voters. Thus it needs to be translated into Tamil and Sinhala.

By: Independent Wed, 05 Aug 2015 21:56:00 +0000 The reference to ‘maximum devolution within the unitary state’ in the UNP manifesto is not different “implementation of LLRC recommendations within a year” in the UPFA manifesto. Rather than unhelpful suggestions of the writer going beyond that promise, hypocrisy of Rajapakse slaves should have been highlighted.
“Power devolution” is essential in the South, to the Sinhalse too. Power to find a school for your kids without worshipping Maha Raja, power to find a job without venerating a criminal, power to express your views without being terrorised by a white van etc. What is required is reinstatement of judiciary to what it should have been. Judges have been appointed to propagate Rajapakse cult than to serve people at the moment. Cleaning this mess is not easy.

By: Metteyya Brahmana Wed, 05 Aug 2015 20:22:00 +0000 The writer of this article continues with the misinformation campaign by suggesting that Rajapaksa and the UPFA are nationalistic in a racially exclusive way. Tamils and Muslims are fully integrated in the South and West, and it is only the North and East that are practicing a racist and religiously bigoted exclusivity that largely excludes Sinhalese Buddhists from living and working in one-third of their own country. Muslims and Tamils own far more businesses in the South and West than their population percentages would suggest is fair, and 4 out of 12 of the richest Sri Lankan billionaires are Muslims and Tamils.

The ONE Sri Lanka concept seems to be disvalued in the above article, as though the mere presence of Tamil and Muslim parties as part of the UNP alliance equates to racial and religious integration. When we look at the TNA election manifesto, however, it openly derides what it terms as “State-sponsored Colonization” when Sinhalese Buddhists assert their right to live and work in the North or East of their own country. What sort of ‘unitary’ character could you possible have if Sinhalese Buddhists who represent 70% of all Sri Lankans can only live and work in the South and West, yet Tamils and Muslims can live and work anywhere in the country? Calling this ‘unitary’ when it is in fact ‘separatist’ is an outrageous lie that undermines real reconciliation among the different races and religions in which they grow up together as friends and neighbors rather than separate from each other.

The UNP is therefore attempting to defraud the Sri Lankan voter by creating the false impression that they are the party of racial and religious unity, when any serious look at the policies advocated by the minority parties they are aligned with would lead any reasonable person to conclude that they are a front for racial and religious separation. And as the UK PM noted in pushing back Scottish separatism, a country divided against itself cannot stand. By voting for the UNP you are essentially dividing the country into separate racial and religious parts, which can only accelerate the downfall of the country.
