Comments on: Parallel Enigmas of Pirabaharan and Rajapaksa Journalism for Citizens Thu, 09 Jul 2015 12:21:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: puniselva Thu, 09 Jul 2015 12:21:00 +0000 In reply to Jayalath.

”country together” – oppressive majority of any country can do anything to its minorities, UN is powerless, SL will never sign up for ICC, ……. NOT ”people together”

”safer’ ‘ – the oppressor safer from armed oppressed simply using excessive military power
”Rajapakse did the most damage” – any number of civilians can be killed to catch armed rebels, remaining civilians incarcerated in camps with restricted access to aid, with their land closed to the public bury alive those unable to drag themselves out of the final battleground, build oppressive ”war monuments” and Buddha statues,heavily militarise the region and let them run the region, to suppress socio-economic revival, appoint ”Presidential Task Force for Northern Development” with Ministry officials and armed forces representatives, lies to foreign journalists and international organisations ….. ……………….” – no end to the malice of that man towards the ethnic minorities

No other Sinhala leader has tried to do their best for the majority as Rajapakse who simply spoilt it by his greed for money and power.

By: Jayalath Tue, 07 Jul 2015 09:25:00 +0000 We have been having this argument for decades but still we have failed to conduct an unbiased and reasonably fair opinions on the cause of war and post war . Thats why even this article is rambling around . I would like to ask the writer of the article on what point would you say that Rajapaksa did the most damage to the ethnic and race relationship in Sri Lanka .? I suggest he did the most to put country together and safer than any other ,yet it may not be a heavenly message to some one who dreamed of living in an Elam country with the leadership of a barbarian
