Comments on: The rape and murder of Vidya: Do women really matter in Sri Lanka? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 23 Jun 2015 23:15:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: liberty Tue, 23 Jun 2015 23:15:00 +0000 This country prides itself on its traditions, customs and conservative beliefs from its multicultural society, its Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic and Christian morals, values and teachings ALL of which are supposed to be about peace, love,acceptance, tolerance understanding and compassion… but the underline truth is, was and always will be that this country is a harsh, cold and cruel place to live in if you’re differently-abled, Muslim, Tamil or (especially) a girl. SL is racist ,homophobic, sexist, close-minded, prejudiced, biased, fascist and judgmental. Women and girls and boys as well cannot even leave their homes without the dreadfully real probability of them never returning. We don’t even feel safe in our own homes.These sorry excuses for men tortured and tormented Vithya they treated her less than like like an animal they treated her like a play thing, like an object like she wasn’t human, like she didn’t matter. What did she ever do to deserve that? No one deserves that, NO ONE! and its only getting worse. Rape isn’t about forceful intercorse, its about weak, cowardice, excuses for men who are no doubt over compensating for their own inferiorities and inadequacies by completely dominating, stripping women of their power, their identities their virtue and their sense of security and humiliating and dehumanizing us and we sill don’t do anything about any of it. We sympathize but do or say nothing when it happens to others out of fear, till it happens o us or someone we care about and love! I (personally) expected so much from the new gov. but the situation involving sexual violence, assault and abuse against women and children are only worsening with each passing day.I’m NOT blaming the government, but they’re not doing any damn thing about any of this, don’t they know or don’t they give a damn?! Someone needs to step up, not be afraid and DO something NOW!!,

By: Ranil Thu, 04 Jun 2015 12:01:00 +0000 As I said, they are innocent until proven guilty. They are entitled to be judged based on their actions and their character. Actions of other military personnel, or the reputation of the Sri Lankan military more generally, should not play ANY part in that. That is how a civilized country conducts itself.

Rape exists in every culture. But can you say there is a ‘rape culture’ in Buddhist or Christian society?

The young Tamil men that will go on trial for this case have the same rights as every Sri Lankan. As you say, the courts will decide their fate. Not those violent sons and daughters of Eelam we saw protesting – is that’s what we are going to call what they were doing – in Jaffna.

By: Ranil Mon, 01 Jun 2015 15:27:00 +0000 In reply to Fitzpatrick.

If you had read the article above, you would know that the men that have been charged for the rape and murder of Vidya were Tamil men from northern Sri Lanka. That should be proof enough for you. Your ‘proof’ relates to an alleged incident in Haiti. This has nothing to do with troops deployed in northern Sri Lanka.

It’s not race bias to say that these things happen in Hindu society more often that in Buddhist or Christian society. Delhi – the Indian capital – is called the ‘rape capital of the world’. That’s a fact. The Dravidian sphere has generally been less prone to these kinds of events (although there have been cases of rapes in ashrams in southern India as well). As has become evident over the past six years, the situation in northern Sri Lanka is far worse. A generation of young men raised by Prabakaran’s amoral regime are now wreaking havoc there. Extortion, murder, rape…you name it, they’re doing it. The lands that once constituted the ‘Eelam’ realm are now just about ‘rape central’ in the Dravidian sphere. This is a major emerging problem for the country as a whole. It’s unfortunate that some people are more concerned about getting political mileage out of it than actually trying to solve it.

By: Fitzpatrick Thu, 28 May 2015 11:14:00 +0000 In reply to Ranil.

Please stop beating about the bush. I am not talking of “allegations”

I gave you a link of the crimes done by the military (including child rape) in Haiti. That is PROOF. The SL military itself accepted that crimes took place in Haiti (including child rape).

You talk of allegations of Hindu Tamil men. So going by your own arguments, they are allegations and they are innocent until proven guilty.

Now show me your PROOF that these Hindu Tamil men committed these crimes !
If you cannot show PROOF then I can conclude these innuendos are simple a result of your own race bias !

By: Ranil Wed, 27 May 2015 13:51:00 +0000 In reply to Fitzpatrick.

Look, Fitzpatrick. In any civilized country, the accused are innocent unless they are proven guilty. I don’t need to show you anything. The accused don’t need to show you anything. Internal investigations have found that many of the claims made against military personnel are unsubstantiated. There was ONE case late last year where credible evidence of sexual misconduct was uncovered. The soldiers involved are now being prosecuted. And I reiterate that Hindu-Tamil men are behind most of it. This trend didn’t start with the end of the Tigers in ’09. We hear about these things now because the Colombo government has lifted the Tigers’ veil, and the condition of northern Tamil society is there for all to see. I suspect that, as the Tamils’ confidence in the authorities grows, more and more of these cases will be reported.

By: Anpu Wed, 27 May 2015 07:19:00 +0000 In reply to Lana.

“Tamil nadu has always been our greatest enemy.”
Sinhala Buddhism is the REAL ENEMY. Start practising Buddhism.
“Picture worth Thousand words” – BUT not this one.

By: NJ Wed, 27 May 2015 06:18:00 +0000 Thank God it’s blurred now. Perhaps all of us can now stop spreading the use of it on Facebook and Twitter. Your comments are well echoed Tehani. Groundviews should not be perceived to be re-victimizing her. The sad thing is that comments and conversations on this news item, should have been around the content of the article, but were completely overshadowed by the insensitive use of the photograph.

By: Real_Peace Wed, 27 May 2015 01:46:00 +0000 Ambika/Groundviews,
Thank you for the thought-provoking article.

When I saw the Documentary re- Sexual Violence in Sri Lanka, it was extremely hard to swallow if Humanity can do such a thing. But after Vidya’s case, I’m not surprised about the Documentary:

Only real conscience can overcome this!

By: Fitzpatrick Wed, 27 May 2015 00:02:00 +0000 In reply to Ranil.

Can you show me evidence of your claim where military were falsely accused?

As for my evidence, I suggest you read the UN reports. In fact not only were the military implicated in rapes in northern SL but also in HAITI when sent as peacekeepers including CHILD rape !

Now I await your proof of false allegations.

By: Ranil Tue, 26 May 2015 14:53:00 +0000 In reply to Fitzpatrick.

Fitzpatrick, indeed there is a major problem with rape in northern Sri Lanka. But this is more to do with the local population. The perpetrators, generally, are locals and the cases, generally, are not reported to the authorities (possibly because of the social stigma that victims face in Hindu society, or because they don’t trust the Sinhalese-Buddhist authorities). In many cases, allegations made against military personnel have been found to be false upon investigation (even in some of these cases, the real perpetrators were found to be Tamil-Hindu men.
