Comments on: 6 Reasons Why Accountability in Sri Lanka Matters Journalism for Citizens Wed, 10 Jun 2015 16:22:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Disqust_ed Wed, 10 Jun 2015 16:22:00 +0000 In reply to shan777.

shan77 is absolutely right – HR Violations only apply to third world countries. When the West does it, it’s called “Spreading Freedom and Democracy and Our Way of Life” ! 🙂

By: Disqust_ed Wed, 10 Jun 2015 16:20:00 +0000 In reply to JayN.

By the same token, how many Western actors were ever brought to justice for crimes in Northern Ireland, Palestine and more recently, Iraq and Libya – Not a single one. We cannot have one standard for Noble Western Nations and another for Savage Barbarians of Sri Lanka

But those who know the superiority of the West in all things will always want it to be so, right JayN ?

By: shan777 Thu, 28 May 2015 08:24:00 +0000 In reply to Mytili.

No it’s cherry picking.

By: Mytili Tue, 26 May 2015 17:26:00 +0000 In reply to shan777.


By: shan777 Tue, 26 May 2015 11:31:00 +0000 In reply to Mytili.

So we are the Guinea pigs of accountability.

By: Mytili Tue, 26 May 2015 04:32:00 +0000 In reply to Shan777.

Quite right that “victor’s justice” is a key critique of Nuremberg. But the lesson here is to be even-handed: pursue accountability on all sides.

By: Shan777 Sun, 24 May 2015 23:14:00 +0000 In reply to Mytili.

I am talking about crimes committed by the winning allies, not only the nazis. Like carpet bombing of Dresden , Hiroshima etc.

By: Jayalath Thu, 21 May 2015 21:55:00 +0000 The people who are seeking a fair and acceptable accountability to those who lost love ones during the war is reasonable and imperative ,but imploring from the international hypocrites to open investigation into the matter will be unacceptable and controversial.
Who are the international investigators and what could we expect from them ,also who could guarantee those internationalists are fair and impartial. You may remember they put it off till end of sep what they should have put forward on March . Which gives us some evidence of what they really expecting by being involved with internal affairs of our country . And Modi who came over here to advise us that how we should rule the country ,isn’t it dame shame of us ?? Hence , I believe those who really think off betterment of the country and its future those who must unconditionally engage with rest of the country men to seek permanent resolution to the burning issues, particularly to revive the relationship between us which caused to division us for decades . If some one suggests to end the resentment within few years and restore the reconciliation which will never be real as it may take decades ,perhaps generations . But important thing is laying up a quite solid foundation by now and building up the confidence gradually . But it urgently need a better internal dialog between us rather bringing and favouring to internationalists dividing and ruling sentiment into this . Then only we could build up a permanent solution in the internal interest .which is the only way to a meaningful accountability. Unless if we did not carefully handled this crisis within us or if we fell into international pitfalls which has been already in place that we may engulf into an eternal Unrest and anarchy.Which can be seen when considering to some politicians’s perception and behaviour on this issue from both side even today . You may have distinctively seen what did wingnaswaran try to raise in the provincial council recently . So, it is very important to understand the long lasting solution to this issue and every body ready to exercise responsibly . I hope that is the only way to achieve an authentic accountability and peace in the county

By: Mytili Thu, 21 May 2015 19:58:00 +0000 In reply to Kirthi.

There are former LTTE commanders still in Sri Lanka who could be investigated and brought to justice. Some of them were aligned with the previous administration.

By: Mytili Thu, 21 May 2015 05:16:00 +0000 In reply to shan777.

Accountability after WWII (Nuremberg trials) laid the foundation for international criminal justice. The lack of accountability elsewhere stands as a cautionary tale.
