Comments on: Defeating the Saboteurs: The 19th Amendment Journalism for Citizens Fri, 08 May 2015 11:52:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Justin Fri, 08 May 2015 11:52:00 +0000 The SLFP members in the coalition continue with their Sabotage agenda. It is clear from the people centred desires of the president and MR “talks”.

I read about the “talks” between president Sirisena and Mahinda Rajapakse. MR denied having 18 billion abroad.

Those who know Mahinda know that he has a horrible lying spirit in him, received probably from his Horoscope Chief !! We have heard him say

1) When CNN Delhi correspondent Sara Sidner asked about Tamil civilian deaths, after the war, he said that not a single Tamil civilian was killed, after he carried out Tamil genocide killing more than 80,000 women and children in a “no fire zone”.

2. He was a party to the murder of Journalist Lasantha Wickremasinghe and pretended that it was someone elses work.

3. He cheated Buddhists, pretending to be one practicing it, but made the monks and Buddhists to lose their humanity and spirituality inherited from their good natured forefathers.

4. His lies prevent him from being taken to the Hague to face charges for war crimes.

One can go on. But my question is why is such a criminal not behind bars, the right place for such a person ?
