Comments on: Frangipani : Opening Ourselves to Dialogue Journalism for Citizens Fri, 17 Apr 2015 06:05:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Happy Heathen Fri, 17 Apr 2015 06:05:00 +0000 I have written about this several times on GV and will reiterate… is the religious and ethnic minorities that have prevented any and all progressive step towards gender rights, women’s rights and animal rights in Sri
Lanka for decades.

I just read this shocking article on Sharmila Seyyid on Hindu:

It is interesting to note that GV ran an article sometime ago on individual right to attire based on a Muslims student’s struggle to wear head scarf and I argued strongly that the choice of garment should not be based
on some Bronze Age mythology.

Surprisingly enough Ms. Seyyid comes out all guns blazing:

“Some sections from her novel that question the practice of purdah have been widely circulated online. Ms. Seyyid writes,“Questions about covering a woman’s face… are crying out for clarity and resolution. It is not just a question of covering a woman’s face, (but) her whole body and the clothes and accessories that embellish it are shrouded over by force. Islamic society continues to not only force its womenfolk to stay in an environment that makes no concession to contemporary realities and the liberalising trends of the times but is in fact regressing into increasing rigidity. The stand taken by Islamic fundamentalists on issues such as women’s
rights is often most condemnable and quite contrary to common sense and reason.”

Kudo to you Ms. Seyyid……….

If a discussion about head scarf attracts so much hatred, I pity the gay, lesbian and transgender population of Sri Lanka as we truly live amongst the erudite membership of the Flat Earth Society and what’s more the membership appears to be proliferating….!
