Comments on: Sri Lanka’s political moment Journalism for Citizens Sat, 07 Feb 2015 23:47:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jayalath Sat, 07 Feb 2015 23:47:00 +0000 Very impressive analysis, where you have presented valuable points about elitism and nepotism of Sri Lankan politics .although , we have taken it to an argument for very long time that we have failed to put in place alternative political system on the interest of majority people . Hence , This system has to change urgently but how can we lead to change it to avoid the misery that it already caused in the society . Without going that far ,we could get enough lessons from the election which ended few weeks back .
We should not let go unnoticed many broken promises made by present regime in order snatch the vested political power . Which was distinctively aimed to engage on the power sharing within the elites groups rather than on the good intention of becoming the servants of people as many collection of clowns confessed.
For an instance , you may remember Sirisena and his platoon were yelled about Rajapaksa’s dynasty , particularly about the amount of his family members being on the respectable positions of the state which was perceived by Sirisena to defect from his inherited party and challenge with own boss . Also Rajapaksa was ruthlessly charged on the corruptions and discomforted him , and basically made him as the biggest criminal on the planet . Saying he was fiddling and embezzling . Not only that ,they promised to renounce the proposed port project before the election ,and now ?
So ,this is the biggest mudslinging political campaign I ever seen in my entire life . However ,what is happening now ? Port project was allowed to go ahead , instead of promised good governing , every thing is happening as nothing has really changed . This is the rotting elites political system of Sri Lanka . Which is disgracefully designed to deceive people by stink elites who descends from colonial mentality . I heard on news that Vimukthi Kumsratunga who is trying to engage in politics from coming elections . Isn’t it really hypocrisy . I would mind who ever are they , but what did they say before the election .we were told to think about nepotism of Rajspaksa ,and what is doing by this lot now ??? They have no shame . Therefore ,as in the article pointed out , we have one big hope in the future to take this lot into one fist and throw into the sea . Which only can be done by JVP , they are the real threat to these elites .no body else ,so it is our wish and duty to strengthen them until that historical day is arrived.

By: puniselva Sat, 07 Feb 2015 07:36:00 +0000 ”29 consecutive elections”

What are they please?

By: Jayalath Fri, 06 Feb 2015 15:09:00 +0000 A great analytic article which base on the reality of real life . Yes ,I wish if people of this country would understand at least from now on , what is their responsibility in politics in the future .,particularly whome should be voted and whome to be trusted . If people would vigilant and care about what those politicians are upto and whether they are bound to their duties after elected that might become a dawn of new era . So ,it is the power of vote which must used rightly .
