Comments on: A Monaragala problem for the Rajapakse Regime Journalism for Citizens Sat, 11 Oct 2014 06:42:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pragmatist2014 Sat, 11 Oct 2014 06:42:00 +0000 In reply to Jayalath.

Well said. I too have watched from my office window as JR’s thugs mercilessly assaulted innocent bank workers who were only on strike and demonstrating near the then Lower Chatham Street. This is certainly not a new phenomenon in Sri Lanka but it seems to have got extremely ugly lately.

By: Jayalath Wed, 01 Oct 2014 22:01:00 +0000 I badly missed out to speak few words about the lawlessness that mr. Pieris referred during the election period . Honestly, I do not know where do you come from , actually if you lived in Sri Lanka last 4 decades , probably you should know how our politicians behave in the elections . Particularly , the politics has become the main root to staggering revenue for the most of our people in the country . Some time it perfectly work for them either they are in the governing side or not ,so I do not understand why you think they should not gamble with life to be elected .
Please think of Previous regimes and who ever governed the country since 77, You mention about some manoeuvre followed by incumbent politicians to be reelected , such as offering money, spreading fear and intimidating opposition party members and supporters , attacking at opposition parties and constantly police blind to defenders and ranger rovers . Haven’t you seen them happening before of every elections ? Is it happening only today ?
I would mind to remind you one incident without carrying argument any longer . I never forget the fear and hopelessness that we had to live with during Prenadasa regime .when the Gamudawa was conducted in Kundasale at that time , I remember special thugs were mobilised in the Gamuda ground to beat up people who criticise the state or Premadasa by Premadasa’s henchmen .
How come you forget that past today ? I’m not trying to clean Rajapaksa or his dirty lot , but what I’m telling you is that we have very short memory about such nasty group of political rogues in the past

By: Jayalath Wed, 01 Oct 2014 11:50:00 +0000 The next presidential election will be a very crucial and important one to all Sri Lankan . We know now there are various ideas and discussions has been flooding all over the medias regarding to the incoming presidential election . And Also it seems to be that main opposition parties trying to blend the advantage of UVA provincial council election result on the next election . In fact , some are camping up with ideas of abolishing the executive presidency , some are dreaming off changing the regime , some are actively working off to obtain what they lost after 30 years of battle . Those are the people who will encounter Rajspaksa on next election .
So , it is not important who will win the election , but it is important to understand who is strong and capable of securing the victory that has been conquered . Therefore ,
, I cannot see any one has taken this matter seriously . Which is a shame . We must understand the real impending threat to the country by certain groups if Rajapaksa slipped away . for a fact , we all know today that Muslims and Tamils would never vote for Rajapaksa , and they have own ideas how the country can be split into pieces with the support of international hypocrites so ,it is normal to their perspective ,and not for us . This is needed to be understood and prevented by singhala majority to supporting Rajapaksa . It should be our duty today. I do not see any problem with that . Firstly the country. And from there we can discuss how we can resolve the quarrel between us . We have plenty of time , unless we have chances of going back to old days which is for sure . I have no hesitation to accept what we have achieved today and Also I have no intention of letting it grabbed and pocketed by another ass for nothing

By: L. Gunasekara Tue, 30 Sep 2014 08:38:00 +0000 Well thought argument. Fully agree with the psephological arithmetic. The big question is: who should be the “common” candidate. That is, how “common” can, and should, the candidate be? In addition to being credible with the ethnic minorities (including the Hillcountry Tamils) and obtaining the loyal UNP vote, the ‘common’ candidate MUST win over a chunk of the SLFP’s constituency. To do this, ideally, such a candidate should be seen as ‘saving’ the SLFP from further disaster under a new ‘family rule’ that is being attempted. Can a UNPer do this? On the other hand, can Gen. Sarath Fonseka or the Ven.Sobitha do this, let alone win over the ethnic minorities sufficiently? Whoever it will be, if successful, will have the huge challenge of a vast repair job and the task of regaining Sri Lanka’s ‘honour’ in the community of nations.
