Comments on: William Blake, Buddhism and Human Rights – value of praxis over ideology Journalism for Citizens Thu, 25 Sep 2014 17:04:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: sajeeva samaranayake Thu, 25 Sep 2014 17:04:00 +0000 In reply to n. ethirveerasingam.

Watch the film les miserables – the boy could be Gavaroche in that …. the painting is actually referring to the barricades in the 1830’s – initially I had no idea about the continuous struggle for liberty in France – 1789 was only the beginning ….

By: n. ethirveerasingam Thu, 25 Sep 2014 07:00:00 +0000 Mr. Samaranayake
Very complicated article and it will take time and much reference to adequately comment. However the painting in your article,
that hangs in the Louvre always fascinated me. Liberty of the people is achieved by so much blood shed. Do you see there is a “Child Soldier” marching with Liberty? What is Delacroix trying to say?
When you discussed about halves and how both halves should live in harmony I could not help think that our brains are two halves that developed a connective tissue we name it as “Corpus Colosseum.” Lucky for us. Otherwise the left – which is dominant in logic, numerical and language etc – and the right – which is dominant in painting, music, spatial reasoning etc will not communicate with each other. We are richer for what evolution has thrust upon us for survival and to multiply.

It also reminded me that after the Sinhala Only Act, the younger generations of the two communities could not communicate with each other. Thanks to SWRD and the Sinhala Buddhist.

Recently in a TV show that trace famous people’s ancestry had a black-American lady whose last name was Reuban which is a Jewish name. Her mother’s ancestry were slaves in Jamaica. It turned out Reuban lived in Spain during Queen Isabella’s time (She is the one who sent Columbus to find the New World and bring Gold to her and eliminated the Empire that the South American Indians built.) She wanted all those who lived in Spain to be Catholics. So she gave three options for the non-catholics among whom were Jews, Moors etc. Her three choices to non-catholics were:

1. Convert to Catholicism.

2. Leave the country.

3. Face Execution.

Is she the original ISIS?

Reuban and the other Jews left Spain and ended up in Jamaica. Moors who occupied most of Europe and took mathematics and other sciences in the 10th Century to them probably went back to their Homeland.
What lessons can Tamil, Sinhalese and Muslims learn from Robert, Blake, Delacroix, Isabella and Reuben? A lot I am sure.
