Comments on: Review of Neville Jayaweera’s Jaffna: Exorcising the Past and Holding the Vision Journalism for Citizens Fri, 26 Sep 2014 06:36:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Groundviews Fri, 26 Sep 2014 06:36:00 +0000 Responses posted on behalf of the author:

To Sach- You are right. Most of us have neither the intellect of Ambedkar nor the moral stature of Gandhi, nor the leadership skills of either of them to seek to step into their shoes. That is why I wrote, “We have yet to produce a Gandhi or an Ambedkar or, even better evolve in to a people conscious of the need to be a nation with equal rights to all citizens. I have not led a radical campaign such as for temple entry, but as District Secretary Jaffna I have promoted Economic programs such as the Madduvil Silk weaving centre (wrecked during the war and no longer functioning) and the Thikkam Palmyra Arrack Distillery (yet functioning), targeting to benefit specific “untouchable” castes. I had several other such programs in mind including the proposed Vathiri leather industry, but was prematurely transferred out of Jaffna. Organizing a temple entry movement would have been outside my mandate as a public servant and also inappropriate as I am a Christian.

To N. Ethirveerasingam – I agree with you entirely. It was the pain I felt at the caste discrimination going on in Jaffna and elsewhere that induced me to choose a subject linked to reverse discrimination for my doctoral dissertation at Harvard University. The only activism that I am capable of is through writing, and that I have been doing. I know that you have been an interethnic bridge builder for many years. Do continue the good work.

Sbarrkum – Thanks. I would try to access Pfaffenberger as suggested by you. Is it available in print in Sri Lanka?

By: sbarrkum Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:46:00 +0000 Suggest Pfaffenberger to understand Caste in Jaffna

Pfaffenberger, Bryan, Caste in Tamil culture : The religious foundations of Sudra domination in Tamil Sri Lanka Syracuse, N.Y. : Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, 1982.

By: n. ethirveerasingam Thu, 18 Sep 2014 07:41:00 +0000 Devanesan,
Thank you for your review based on your direct experience. Happy to see you are active and well. I have not
read Neville’s book but have read most of his serial articles that formed this book. I also remember yourself, Neville and I discussing matters of common interest end of 2012. I was fascinated by the friendship you both shared. Hope you both continue your dialogue and come up with a political solution you both can promote.

The language problem still continues to this day in govt departments, Ministries, Police Stations and so on. The late Charlie Abeyasekera, who was once chairman of the Language Commission said after an International NGO meeting in 1999 that the Language policy will never be implemented as there were no will to do so by government officials. In that meeting a federal solution was discussed. Charlie at tea outlined to me why there will never be a political solution as the Sinhala voters will never agree to share power with the Tamils. This is still true today. It is sad his daughter who I had the pleasure of meeting once and devoted her life for Human Rights of all had left us too early.

As for the caste problems, as you rightly pointed out, it is a problem of both communities. In Jaffna I have witnessed it from childhood to present. In the fifties, there were two separate churches, two burial grounds. The catholic church compromised to recruit all devotees. There were two cremation grounds. There were many fights over integration and Temple entry. As I child I could not comprehend such rules. It is less overt now than in the forties to seventies. Neville’s observations are correct. It really does not matter how the caste system evolved or in what manner it is practiced by whoever. It is surprising that Hindu academics, high ranking officials in various departments still discriminate overtly and subtly. Occasionally I read the marriage columns to check and have a laugh at the stupidity of discrimination and the clever subtle hints they state about their daughter or son. The sad thing is that the sons and daughters of all castes attended classes together, sat next to each other, played school games together. Such experience has obviously had not taught them anything about equality of people.

LTTE did not practice such discrimination and tried to stop it but could not succeed. When Jaffna displaced, LTTE had difficulty providing shelter near source of water to the refugees who were not Vellalars and the Vanni Vellalar’s would not let the others from drawing water from their wells. The LTTE did ask teachers, students and appealed to village elders to share water with the refugees. I have participated in such meetings. As a compromise pecific times were allocated for the refugees to use the well. The group of shelters were also segregated. When I asked the Tigers who were in responsible position to integrate why can’t such discrimination be prevented. They said that the Vellalars are merchants and don’t want to antagonize them and loose support. To their credit they did by law, education and by deed reduced some discrimination.

Now I see in Jaffna Peninsula schools in areas where the deprived classes live, competent principals or teachers with qualifications are hard to place. This deprivation shows in the results of students at the National examinations.

Let us all try to help educate people from discriminating the Other.

By: sach Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:24:00 +0000 just a thought, in sri lanka many writers, intellectuals including this writer always say SL is yet to produce an ambedkhar or a gandhi. My question is why waiting for someone else to stand up and do the job? why cant those who aspire to see local ambhedkars once in a while try becoming one?

By: sach Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:20:00 +0000 Thank you for this. very informative. Looking forward to read more on this.
