Comments on: The Wounded Girl in the Gaza Strip: The Need for a New Approach Journalism for Citizens Wed, 23 Jul 2014 05:46:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: puniselva Wed, 23 Jul 2014 05:46:00 +0000 Shame to humanity.

”break the vicious cycle of hatred behind a given conflict and start to develop a lasting solution to it” is what the whole humanity should be doing to itself.


This is happening in other forms in Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, India, Afghanistan, ……..


The complexity of this world is so immense that we cannot solve a single problem without taking all the other problems related to each other in a complex way.

Hence the British visionary the late Dr Martin James established the Twenty First Century School in Oxford University in June 2005 and went on to form the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations formed of experts in many different fields from all around the world that went on to produce the report, Now for the long term in October 2013:

”The increasing short-termism of modern politics needs to be overcome with serious and urgent reform to address key challenges facing humanity. …. The Commission analyses the issues, examines the lessons from past successes and failures, proposes a set of principles to overcome deep political and cultural divides, and provides practical recommendations for action on critical challenges” – NOW FOR THE LONG TERM – The report of the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations, October 2013,

All universities around the world should be urgently dissipating this idea and explaining all aspects of it to their communities.

NOW for the LONG TERM.
