Comments on: Tiananmen Square, Egg Wash and Tank Man: Reflections after 25 years Journalism for Citizens Thu, 05 Jun 2014 22:21:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jayalath Thu, 05 Jun 2014 22:21:00 +0000 Tiananmen square incident and Sri Lankan incident is entirely two different incident ,therefore making an effort to boost the comparison is an effort of brain dead .
AND I can see distinctively that writer is suffering from the side defect of Chinese medicine which perfectly worked for Sri Lanka 2009.
However , China is formally base on a concept of Mao and once when he came to the question of ” how do we change china , Mao laid the utmost emphasis on destruction ‘ the country must be destroyed and then reformed ‘ he extended this line not just to china but to the whole world – and even the universe ‘ this applies to the country , to the nation , and to mankind ….. The destruction of the universe is the same …people like me long for its destruction , because when the old universe is destroyed , a new universe will be formed . Isn’t that better. (Quoting from Mao the unknown story)
After Mao conquered china in 1949 , his secret goal was to dominate the world . In chasing this dream he caused the deaths of 38 million people in the greatest famine in history . In all well over 70 million people perished under Mao’ s rule .
So , I wouldn’t wonder the massacre of Tiananmen Square in 1989. however this is not a just isolated incident , when we consider to The “Indochina political ” crisis which took as many as numbers in china and in other hand , Korean War that all claims million of innocent lives which was reasoning for historical political contexts where it is clear that people have died by million being to be believed some one’s political aspiration weather it is the right one or not . Thus , We still not know and not clear what political system would fit to a peaceful world and how can we achieve it and also when ….. As it is still remaining as Unanswered puzzle . However ,
We must not forget the 20 th century was engulfed with many political turmoils where some countries were fighting their way to autonomy from the colonialism and some were revolting against the capitalism and craving to a new political movement . Therefore it was common crisis that 20 th century culminated with prolific political crises , Perhaps, the people may have thought subsequently world would stay in peace after collapse of Soviet Union . ( Cold War ) Actually Looking into the Ukraine criss today which concedes as a potential evidence of still remaining the crisis of unprecedented level . So , I believe that Tiananmen incident wasn’t potentially isolated incident and which had been written in the history as one another disastrous result of division in the world .

Mao had said as this as well ……”our state is people’s democratic dictatorship ….what is this dictatorship for ? It’s first function is internal, namely ,to suppress the reactionary classes..or in other word ,to resolve the contradictions between ourselves and the internal enemy ….the second function of this dictatorship is …to resolve contradictions between ourselves and the external enemy .
