Comments on: Response to article in Colombo Telegraph Journalism for Citizens Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:26:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dev Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:26:00 +0000 In reply to Groundviews.

Thank you for your detailed reply.

By: Fitzpatrick Tue, 03 Jun 2014 14:29:00 +0000 In reply to Groundviews.

Could I suggest (if you have not done so already) to send this response article to CT?

I am sure there is enough journalistic ethics in CT editors to allow your reply (right-of reply)?
(or paste your article as a comment).

After all, despite their ban in SL, people like Dayan and Rajiva, ardent regime supporters are also given space on CT. (In fact I can’t recall a article on GV by Rajiva and many more by Dayan on CT than GV). So I suggest you also post your side of the story on CT if possible.

By: Groundviews Tue, 03 Jun 2014 13:17:00 +0000 In reply to Dev.

It is the culture of commentary and discussion I find distressing, and the thrust of original content produced by the site. The majority of content published on CT, unlike Groundviews, is from other sources. Most of the authors write to other platforms incl. newspapers and online fora, from which their content is copied and published. CT’s reach as a phenomenal dashboard of political content on Sri Lanka – I know many who start and end their day by going to the site – appeals justifiably to some other writers who directly send in their content. It is the original content produced by the site (not generally what is sent in or republished) and the commentary to all the content published in general, that I find atrocious. CT can be so much more.

By: Dev Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:12:00 +0000 While some comments are articles are silly and uncalled for a vast majority of them are written by reputed journalists SH, you cannot disparage them all in one stroke.
