Comments on: The slow wheels of justice and change: a Sri Lankan case study? Journalism for Citizens Mon, 19 May 2014 12:46:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dev Mon, 19 May 2014 12:46:00 +0000 In reply to Fitzpatrick.

Please don’t hold your breadth for replies. I am still waiting for a response with eager anticipation from Michael Roberts on the rebuttal given to his piece by “Sri Lanka Campaign”.

By: niran anketell Sun, 18 May 2014 10:56:00 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

Re Verite’s analysis, I don’t believe I disagree. And I think it’s a jolly good thing that there’s a smart response and not a blind nationalist response to the resolution. Good for the Sinhalese, good for the Tamils, good for the pursuit of accountability.

On the UNP’s repeated losses, I don’t believe I disagee either. In fact, I allude to it myself in the first paragraph. My only point was that the collective opposition (UNP, JVP, TNA and others) and civil society (I dare say, Dr Jayatilleke included) have responded the resolution in a way that has averted the dumb nationalist response of 2012. And to reiterate, I think that’s a jolly good thing!

By: Fitzpatrick Sun, 18 May 2014 02:32:00 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

While it is nice you take time to comment, you often slink away when challenged by one of us….example being…
Re-visiting the Rajapaksa Hegemonic Project

As a former ambassador are you willing accepting your own culpability in propagating and straightening this hegemonic project?
The UNHCR resolution fundamentally is to deal with this hegemonic project and yet you continue to oppose this.
The Nazi empire was built by more than Hitler, it had its many minions working at various level

By: w. kevin Sat, 17 May 2014 16:29:00 +0000 Justice is not a respecter of time or age:

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Sat, 17 May 2014 02:33:00 +0000 Sorry a typo…that should have read (Radko) Mladic…

As for the local opposition, the Political Columnist of the pro-UNP Sunday Times reported that the UNP’s may Day rally in Ampara had roughly the same number as Wimal Weerawansa’s party convention i.e. 7,500! Now that was probably the last May Day before the national elections. As one who watched the UNP’s last May day rally before the 1977 elections, that of May 1, 1976, I can only be aghast at the contrast.

Verite’s accurate analysis of the Sinhala media does NOT show Sinhala SUPPORT for the resolution but a shift from a dumb nationalist to a smart nationalist opposition to the resolution: a line of resistance through domestic reform.

By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Sat, 17 May 2014 02:23:00 +0000 Er…didn’t Milosevic and Mladko Radic kinda LOSE the war?
